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Sobibor – Muehlenkamp’s “best explanation”

By Thomas Kues After my comment on the terms Sonderlager and SS-Sonderkommando in relation to the Sobibór camp,[1] Roberto Muehlenkamp has focused his untiring yet self-defeating powers of “argumentation” on the following passage in the March 1944 Benda report on the Sobibór prisoner uprising: “Mit Rücksicht auf die Art die Sonderlagers und dessen Häftlinge, wurde…

On the terms Sonderlager and SS-Sonderkommando

By Thomas Kues In a reply [1] to my recent article [2] on the holocaust historians' lies and obfuscations about the contents of Nuremberg document NO-482, wherein Sobibór is designated as a transit camp (Durchgangslager), anti-revisionist blogger Roberto Muehlenkamp focuses on the fact that in the 17 March 1944 report of SS-Untersturmführer Benda concerning the…

The Office – the German Foreign Service during the Third Reich

A Review and Assessment of a Controversial German Commission Report by Dr. Claus G. Wagner Bartach   Introduction In the early 1960s, a determined, powerful group of Zionists and Israelis decided to broadcast to the world one of the horrific atrocities of the twentieth century, relating to their special concerns. Out of the more than…

Lies and obfuscations about Himmler’s Sobibor directive

by Thomas Kues   Peter Black is a Senior Historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum who received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1981. He is also the former chief historian for the “Nazi hunting” Office of Special Investigations of the United States Department of Justice. In a long article entitled “Foot Soldiers…

The latest effort to combat “denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism (part VI)

By Wilfried Heink The third chapter in the book “Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas” (New studies on National Socialist mass murder by poisonous gas) is titled: “Die Tötungsanstalten der ‘Aktion T4’” (The T4 killing facilities). As the title suggests, this is about the T4 action in six of the facilities, with a sort…

The latest effort to combat “denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism (part V)

By Wilfried Heink The second essay in chapter two is titled, “Technische Aspekte des Massenmordes durch Giftgas als Argument vor Gericht”(Technical aspects of mass murder by poisonous gas as presented in court). It is written by two authors, Volker Bieler, Judge at the court in Landau, Palatine – up to 31 August 2010 also department…

The latest effort to combat “Denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism. (Part IV)

By Wilfried Heink The second chapter in the book: “Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas” is captioned: “Technische und pharmakologische Aspekte und der Stellenwert der Überreste” (Technical and pharmacological aspects and how remnands should be rated) The first essay in this chapter is titled: “Die todbringenden Gase” (The deadly [death carrying] gasses), by Achim…

The latest effort to combat “Denial”, i.e., Holocaust Revisionism. (Part III)

By Wilfried Heink   The second study in chapter one is by Dr. Moshe Zimmermann, Prof. for contemporary history and head of the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The essay is titled “Massenmord durch Giftgas in der Wahrnehmung der Überlebenden” (How survivors perceive the mass murder by poisonous…

The latest effort to combat “denial”, i.e., Holocaust revisionism (Part II)

The first chapter in the book Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas is captioned: “Massentötungen durch Giftgas: Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Einordnung und individueller Erinnerung” (Mass murder by poisonous gas: Amid scientific cataloguing and the recollection by individuals).   The chapter contains two essays, the first one by the British historian Richard J. Evans, titled: “Wie…

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