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Review: Israel Cymlich & Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, New York/Jerusalem 2007

By Thomas Kues- In this volume of the series “The Holocaust Survivors’ Memoirs Project”, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the two Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. Both memoirs are reproduced together with full facsimiles of the extant manuscripts (in Polish and…

Learning Nothing from the Past

By Richard A. Widmann- In stark opposition to George Santayana’s now clichéd quote about learning from history, revisionist pioneer Harry Barnes in his  History and Social Intelligence  boldly noted that he did “not accept the view that history can in many cases be directly useful to the present generation through the discovery of alleged specific…

David Irving’s Website Attacked

By Richard A. Widmann- News this morning tells of hackers who broke into David Irving's Website(s) and internet accounts. They apparently stole private information including ID's and passwords and even bank account information. They took mailing lists and destroyed content on his Website. This same group, or an associated group also sought to have events…

A Call for Dissident Writers

By Richard A. Widmann- Today certain historical studies are strongly discouraged and in certain once-free democracies even outlawed. But a recent interest in discovering the facts about the twentieth century’s two world wars and their aftermath as well as the consequences of those events inspires us with new courage and optimism. Harry Barnes said that…

A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry

By Richard A. Widmann- Slightly over 30 years ago, James J. Martin, one of the deans of revisionist history of the twentieth century coined the term “Inconvenient History” with his collection of essays, The Saga of Hog Island. Long before Al Gore would speculate on the “Inconvenient Truth” of global warming, James Martin was already…

Treblinka – More Bumblings from Bomba

Most of my readers are likely already familiar with the Treblinka eyewitness Abraham Bomba. In an article for The Revisionist, “Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka” (Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2003, pp. 170-176) Bradley Smith exposed Bomba's rather infantile mendacity as displayed in an interview made in Tel Aviv in 1979 for Claude Lanzmann's well-known…

Delousing American Style

The National Socialist government of Germany was neither the first nor the last to deal with health issues resulting from concentrating large populations in confined areas. It is unfortunately typical that many who consider the accounts of witnesses of the Nazi concentration camp system view this time and the events which have come to be…

"Hitler’s Hidden Holocaust"

Touted as a documentary which would change the Holocaust narrative as we know it by revealing new information on the Einsatzgruppen and what has come to called “the Holocaust by bullets,” National Geographic's special “Hitler's Hidden Holocaust” which aired on August 2, 2009 failed to deliver on its hype. Anticipating a clear new thesis which…

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