Note: If you want to help Germar Rudolf in his fight for Freedom and Truth, please visit the donation page on his personal website at
Help Defend the First Amendment
Where It Is Most Besieged!
CODOH sponsors many revisionist and free speech activities; to name but a few:
- reaching out to students and faculty with our Campus Project, which we decided in March of 2024 to revive, after it had been dormant for some 8 years.
- resurrecting, reorganizing and enhancing our growing online archive at;
- producing cutting-edge video documentaries (;
- assisting in the production of new editions and volumes of the prestigious series “Holocaust Handbooks”, and making many of them available for free download (;
- publishing the prestigious revisionist online quarterly Inconvenient History;
Please help CODOH continue to develop our unique presence online, and extend our unending outreach to students and scholars at universities and colleges across the nation and worldwide. Every contribution is welcome. Believe us, it will truly help—any and every contribution!
Payment Options
Bank Transfer
Within the U.S., you can Zelle us a donation to CODOH’s Zelle email address: at, with payment reason “CODOH” in the memo line, plus whatever you’d like to earmark it for. Zelle payments between U.S. bank accounts are anonymous, instant, fee-less, and absolutely safe. If you are unfamiliar with it, read more about it here, or watch this instructional YouTube video. If you know how to use QR codes to make instant payments using your smart phone, please find our Zelle QR code to the right.
Credit/Debit Card
We have created a simple donations website on “Buy Me A Coffee”, where you can place plastic money payments: Use it while it lasts. It may not be for long. Every other year or so, we lose our ability to process plastic money, due to our payment provider closing our account, usually with no explanation given, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why they don’t want to touch the third rail.
Cash/Check/Money Order
We accept all currencies, but prefer USD. Please do not send coins in foreign denominations, as those cannot be exchanged. Please send bigger amounts of cash by registered mail only (You cannot insure cash mailings.) Please send cash, as well as checks and money orders drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank account, issued in U.S. Dollars (not Canadian dollars!), and payable to “CODOH”, to:
PO Box 2355
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Monero Crypto-Currency
Monero is an electronic currency that keeps all transactions secret. Except for the sender and the receiver, no one knows that the transaction took place. That makes is particularly secure. If you don’t have a Monero wallet (yet), you may want to learn about this currency circumventing the banksters:
CODOH’s public Monero address is (see the quick-repsonse (QR) code below):
BitCoins Crypto-Currency
Bitcoin is also a crypto-currency, but all its transactions are public, so it is not secret and thus does not give any privacy. Hence, there is nothing “crypto” about it. Learn more about it here:
CODOH’s public BitCoin address is:
We accepts all currencies, but prefer USD. Please do not send coins in foreign denominations, as those cannot be exchanged. Please send bigger amounts of cash by registered mail only to the address given below.