Month: July 2012


Gottfried Wagner, Twilight of the Wagners, Picador, New York 1997, 310 pages, hardcover, $15.- Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was – and still is – “the Great One” in the history of opera. Certainly a debatable opinion, but with Wagner societies worldwide and with the Bayreuth Festspielhaus in northern Bavaria as his “eternal” shrine a là Lourdes…

Typhus – The Phantom Disease

Of the numerous eyewitness reports on the concentration camps and alleged extermination sites of the Third Reich, one often finds reports by former inmates describing atrocities committed by SS personnel while these witnesses were hospitalised in the camp's hospitals due to a severe typhus infection. The best known example may be that of Jacob Freimark…

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?

Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2004, pb, 370 pp., $25.- Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: “Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transfer Camp?”, 370 pages, 6×9, paperback, bibliography, documents, photos, index, $25,- Click here for more info and/or to order it now! At the end of November or…

Treblinka: An Exceptional Guide

1. Introduction Dr. Robert Faurisson in Treblinka, June 1988. With regard to the wartime Treblinka camp, I have mentioned over the years – in a few conference addresses, in a video presentation, and in some correspondence – the testimony of Marian Olszuk. But because I have been absorbed in the ordeal of the revisionist struggle…

The Other Auschwitz

Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno, Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago, IL, 2003, pb, 316 pp., $25.- Click here for more info and/or to order it now! The German concentration camp commonly known as Majdanek has long had a conflicted identity among students of the alleged Holocaust. It goes…

CODOH Sparks Campus Revisionism

At Washington State University on April 13, British historian David Irving presented the revisionist case to over four hundred university students and professors, thanks chiefly to the efforts of a Washington State student who works with the Committee for Open Discussion of the Holocaust—and to CODOH for advancing the money to secure the auditorium. At…

CODOH Raises New Questions about the Soviet Past of Simon Wiesenthal

Researchers associated with the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust have gathered evidence which raises serious questions as to Simon Wiesenthal’s past associations with the Soviet Union. Most of this evidence appears to stem from Simon Wiesenthal himself, and it points to Wiesenthal’s voluntary cooperation with Soviet authorities on more than one occasion and…

CODOH informs media of revisionist subtext in new anti-German polemic

The latest Holocaust fad of the month is Harvard Professor Daniel J. Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. The book was published last month by Alfred A. Knopf (at about the same time David Irving's Goebbels was canceled by St. Martin's) to a torrent of media hosannas unmatched since the apotheosis…

Canadian “Human Rights” Panel Seeks Close-Down of Zündelsite

CODOH’s Website has just gotten a whole lot bigger. We are cruising into the New Year carrying Ernst Zuendel’s Internet site—“piggyback” as it were—on the World Wide Web. Why? Not because authorities in Canada have closed down the Zuendelsite—after all, it operates out of the United States of America. Not because computer whizzes among the…

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