Month: November 2015

A Modest Proposal for Chancellor Merkel

Angela Merkel during the 51st Munich Security Conference 2015(photo by Marc Mueller; Germany—or the German government and its taxpayers, anyway—is all things to all people, at least so far as money, weapons and even Lebensraum (living space) are concerned. While Germany was still digging itself out of its own rubble, in 1952, then-Chancellor Konrad…

If It Wasn’t Hitler …

Hitler talking to the Jerusalem Mufti In one breathtaking stroke that only the head of the Israeli state could have even attempted, Binyamin Netanyahu outdid practically every revisionist in the world who ever addressed the subject of the Holocaust. The genocide of the Jews was not Hitler’s idea, nor immediate wish. Well, part of that…

Oh, Willis Carto, We Hardly Knew Ye

Mark Oppenheimer, a professor at Yale University, writes for The New York Times Magazine, The Believer, Salon, Slate, Mother Jones, The Nation, The New Republic and others, in addition to The Tablet. So we should take him seriously. In his Tablet article of 2 November, this Jewish writer notes that Willis Carto was a “plain…

Revisionist Activities

Jim Rizoli has created another mesmerizing documentary of “Extraordinary Revisionists.” This one features the “revisionist patriarch” Prof. em. Dr. Robert Faurisson in an almost 2-hour Skype interview (captured from the screen with a camera, with Faurisson’s sound over the phone). The interview summarizes Faurisson’s revisionist ordeal from his feelings during and after the war, the…

The History Channel Re-runs Hitler’s Killing Machine

In March 2014 the Smithsonian Institution ran a made-for-television pseudo-documentary called Treblinka-Hitler's Killing Machine. The TV special was ridiculous. One promotional clips was titled: “Excavating a Secret Gas Chamber: The watershed discovery of Star of David tiles confirms the existence of Treblinka’s gas chambers and becomes the key to reconstructing the death camp’s sinister workings.”…

Gerhard Ittner: When Revisionists Are Called Terrorists

“The fight for freedom of speech cannot be fought within the confines of the dictatorship of today’s Germany; it has to be fought from abroad.”—Gerhard Ittner The way the courts in Germany behave with those who dare to express doubts and disagreement with the orthodox historical narrative of the Holocaust, including revisionists who do serious…

Radical Press Editor Arthur Topham Arrested in Canada

Quesnel, British Columbia, October 27 – Canadian Arthur Topham, 68, is a British Columbia (B.C.) placer miner who in his spare time operates the “Radical Press,” contrarian website. On May 16, 2012 he was on his way to work at his mining operation when he was arrested by several police officers, handcuffed and charged with…

Renew your Subscription NOW!

Subscription Renewals This issue of Smith’s Report has a letter included asking most of you print edition subscribers to please consider renewing their subscription. This is a new approach for us. In the past, Smith’s Report was based not on subscriptions, but on whoever had recently donated some considerable amount to CODOH and/or Bradley Smith….


Willis Carto Passed Away! Hours before sending this issue to the printer, we received the message that Willis A. Carto died on Monday, October 26, 2015. See the online obituary here: *** The CODOH trustees write in SR #216: “Hurray, we did it! CODOH is now officially a Charitable Trust, has its own Tax…

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