Year: 2016

Art and the Law(s)

The German and the Iranian governments—God bless ‘em both—have gotten together to exchange art exhibits as part of an effort to promote comity between the two peoples, if not their respective governments. So, (some) art from the recently repressive, theocratic regime in Iran has encountered a bar as blasphemy in the democratic, liberal, tolerant regime…

Italy’s Parliament Approves Holocaust Denial Criminalization

Italy’s parliament has been discussing a bill to criminalize Holocaust denial for the past 10 years. Other laws are now in effect; public incitement to racial hatred and such things are penalized, but Holocaust denial was not criminalized like it is in 14 other countries in Europe until now.   Italian  Parliament The first step to pass…

Faurisson risks jail for 60-word summary of his research during Tehran conference

In contrast to the Court of Appeal hearing given last March, this latest bout of Ziocons [=Zionist neocons] persecution of revisionist, Robert Faurisson, was held in the 17° Chambre Correctionelle of the High Court at the Palais de Justice in Paris, ensuring that numerous members of the public who’d gathered there to support the professor were able to witness the proceedings from the…

What Happened to Reinhold Hanning?

Reinhold Hanning, 94, is a former sergeant and a guard at Auschwitz, who has been tried for 170,000 Counts of Accessory to Murder in Germany. Reinhold Hanning It was not hard to predict what the outcome would be. According to German Law, prosecutors were required to provide evidence that defendants were directly involved in the…

Letter to “The Economist”

The Economist25 St Jame's StreetLondon SW1A1HG[email protected]  Dear Editor We are writing to thank you for your Jun 2nd article Free Speech Under Attack a bit late, (we get our copy of the Economist as a hand-me-down.) It is worth noting that the current wave of censorship received a boost in 1990 with the passage of the Gayssot Act in France, Law No. 90-615…

Letter to The Electronic Intifada

To: The Electronic Intifada From:  David Merlin  June 21, 2016   Most people tend to see Free Speech as a bulwark of democracy.  But not the people at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  They view free speech as a danger and they are particularly worried about the internet. $20,000,000 is being spent by the Museum to send out the…

Letter to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt222 Berkeley StreetBoston, MA 02116[email protected]   To the Attention of: Linda K. Zecher, Chief Executive OfficerWilliam Bayer, General CounselJill A. Greenthal, Director and Chair of Nominating, Ethics, and Governance CommitteeAndrew Russell, Corporate and Social Responsibility   Dear Officers and Directors of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  I am writing to commend Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for its years of…

Talking Frankly about David Irving

The following article is a critical analysis of some statements made by British historian David Irving in a “privately filmed interview” of April 2009 lasting over 2 hours, and entitled, “Talking Frankly.” Until early 2016, this interview was available only on DVD. It was posted on YouTube in March 2016. We cannot show it here,…

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