Year: 2016

Is It about the Holocaust … Yet?

The charge of “Holocaust denigration” has arisen in a telling place: the comments thread following this article on the freedom-of-speech Web site Sp!ked, titled “First They Came for Gawker, and I Did Not Speak Out.” Children at Auschwitz, 1945 The article had nothing whatsoever to do with the Holocaust, or Nazis, or World War II…

Letter to the USHMM on Majdanek

Director Sara BloomfeldChairman Tom BersteinVice Chairman Allan M. HoltUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SWWashington, DC 20024-2126 Raymund Flandez  Communications Officer[email protected] Andrew Hollinger  Director, Communications[email protected]   Dear officers and Directors of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council: We ask that you share this missive with the other Council members. At the Nuremberg Tribunal, Soviet prosecutors presented…

The Morcan Brothers, Again

James Morcan & Lance Morcan are brothers sharing similar interests. Both are filmmakers, novelists and screenwriters on historical fiction, mystery, fiction and non-fiction. The work that made them popular was The Ninth Orphan, a trilogy novel based on an orphan: “an orphan, a spy, a lover…a master of disguise, an assassin, a shape shifter…a freedom…

David Irving is not the Embodiment of Holocaust Revisionism

The ultimate purpose of the film Denial, about David Irving's failed libel-suit against Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt in 2000, is not to pound David Irving even farther into the dust – although it may do that – but to discredit Holocaust Revisionism: hence the film's title is not Irving, but Denial. To attack Holocaust Revisionism through the…

Denial, “A Battle to Defend the Veracity of Historical Facts”

Denial, a Holocaust Movie based on Deborah Lipstadt’s book History on Trial, is to be released this September. History on Trial is Lipstadt’s account of her vendetta with author David Irving culminating in a defamation action. The action was tried in a London court in 2000 before Judge Charles Gray. Opportunity The release is an…

Brexit: Good News for Revisionists?

By now everyone knows that the British people voted to exit the European Union, which is the most complex commercial and political entity ever created in modern history. The results in the polls were close between the opposing sides. Leavers saw the European Union as an unfair deal and considered the EU’s problems an addition to…

Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster

Germar Rudolf talks about the process that led him to question the orthodox Holocaust narrative in his mid-20s, while preparing an expert report on the chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz and Birkenau for the trial of a Holocaust “denier.”  On this radio interview he also discusses the longstanding, brutal…

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