Year: 2020

American Witnesses to the American and French POW Camps after World War II

James Bacque in his book Other Losses writes that approximately 1 million German prisoners of war (POWs) died in American and French camps after World War II. One critic of this book asks: “How could the bodies disappear without one soldier’s coming forward in nearly 50 years to relieve his conscience?” The answer to this question is that numerous soldiers have come forward to witness the atrocious death rate in the American and French POW camps after World War II. This article documents the testimony of American soldiers who witnessed the lethal nature of these camps.

Niels Bohr: Both Sides, Now … or Never

Niels Bohr was a great physicist who was universally admired and respected by his peers. Bohr made pioneering contributions to the understanding of atomic structure and quantum physics. Bohr also conceived the philosophical principle of complementarity, which he said applied to all important questions including physics. This article shows that, unfortunately, Bohr failed to apply his complementarity principle to understanding the origins and aftermath of World War II.

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