Author: Arthur R. Butz

Dr. Arthur R. Butz was born in 1933 and raised in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is still Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (at age 90 in 2024!). Dr. Butz is the author of numerous technical papers. From 1980 until its termination in 2002, he was a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of The Journal of Historical Review.

Dr. Butz is the author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, first published in 1976, and a number of minor revisionist papers. For those writings, he has been vilified and ostracized ever since.

Keine Liquidierung

The 1977 publication of David Irving's fine military history Hitler's War provoked an uproar over what should have been a marginal point but which, with ironic collaboration between Irving and his critics, has become the central point of the book. Irving claimed that Hitler knew nothing of physical extermination of the Jews until late in…

Vergasungskeller: Final Chapter?

The Nuremberg trials document NO-4473 has been a nagging problem for decades. I have offered three interpretations of the word “Vergasungskeller” that appears in that document , dated 29 Jan. 1943, from the Auschwitz construction department and dealing with Crematorium II. In order not to be repetitive, I refer the reader to my 1997 paper[1]…

Jailing Opinions

Jailing Opinions. A documentary exploring the criminalization of normal historical enquiry and expression, including first-hand accounts from those attending the trial of British historian David Irving who is currently incarcerated in Vienna, Austria, for talking about events that happened (or not, as the case may be) more than sixty years ago. A DVD produced and…

Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s remarks on the Jewish “Holocaust”

December 18, 2005 Recently I was asked for my opinion on the recent remarks of Iran's President Ahmadinejad on the subject of the Jewish “Holocaust”. Here they are. I base my comments on the reports on these remarks that I have read in the Western press. In 1976 I published a book, entitled “The Hoax…

Documents on Himmler Murder Forged

Three weeks ago I reported that David Irving had posted documents proving that Heinrich Himmler was murdered. Now, as a result of investigations commissioned by the London newspaper The Daily Telegraph [once at, but now removed; ed.], it appears these documents were forged. The documents in question came from the archives of the British…

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