Author: Theodore J. O'Keefe

Theodore J. O'Keefe (born 1949) majored in history at Harvard and is a multi-linguist. He was a skilled editor and the author of numerous articles, essays, and reviews on a range of historical and political subjects. For several years, he devoted his considerable talent to the Institute for Historical Review as a writer and book editor, and as editor of the IHR's Journal of Historical Review. Later, , he wrote for The Occidental Quarterly, and since 2003 for several years served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Western Thought and Opinion.

From the Editor

This issue of The Journal presents, for the first time in English, the complete text of Adolf Hitler's December 11, 1941, speech to the Reichstag. This important document, in which the German dictator proclaimed to the world his reasons for going to war against the United States, has long been withheld from the American people….

From the Editor

In this issue The Journal of Historical Review is proud to introduce Italian Revisionist Carlo Mattogno to the English-speaking world. Mr. Mattogno, a classicist and Orientalist trained in Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, and Hebrew, has during the past three years produced a stream of Revisionist monographs painstakingly analyzing and debunking Exterminationist claims relating to the Holocaust….

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist by Bradley R. Smith. Los Angeles: Prima Facie, 1987, 118 pages + (vi), $11.95 Hb (ISBN 0-943415-00-4), $6.95 Pb (ISBN 0-943415-00-4). When you see a title starting with the word Confessions nowadays, it's usually safe to assume that some sort of parody is being undertaken. The moral earnestness and the…


Shoah: An Oral History of the Holocaust. The Complete Text of the Film, by Claude Lanzmann. Preface by Simone de Beauvoir. Translated by A. Whitelaw and W. Byron. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985, xii + 200 pp. hb, $11.95, ISBN 0-394-55142-7. Since Shoah the movie rolled on for a seemingly interminable nine and a half…

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler's Third Race by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985, 261pp, ISBN 0-8184-0364-0. This book may have the most ironic title of any work dealing with the Jews of Europe in the 1930's and 40's. Its author, Alan Abrams, is a convinced Exterminationist, but the “special treatment” he…

From the Editor

With the appearance of this first number of Volume Eight, The Joumal of Historical Review ends its “sabbatical,” and resumes its vital mission of revising and correcting propaganda untruths disseminated in the name of history to the woe of men and women of good will everywhere. In its first seven volumes. The Journal established itself…

A Secret Report by Jan Karski

One of the most durable and useful “eyewitnesses” to the alleged Jewish Holocaust has been the World-War-II Polish spy and propagandist who calls himself Jan Karski. The courier for the Polish Underground, who was born Jan Kozielewski, wrote an account of his experiences in wartime Poland, Story of a Secret State, which was an American…

A New Cycle

That marvelous entity, the human body, goes through a process whereby it constantly renews its cells. Old, injured, or malfunctioning cells die off and new ones replace them. After a cycle lasting approximately seven years, the human body is completely renewed; all the cells are brand new, and the body starts a fresh cycle. The…

Irving on Churchill

World-class historian David Irving is no stranger to readers of the JHR. His address to the 1983 Intemational Revisionist Conference, which appeared in the Winter 1984 Journal of Historical Review (“On Contemporary History and Historiography”), was something of a primer on Irving's Revisionist historiographical method. It was spiced as well with tantalizing hints of new…

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