Author: Keith Stimely

Keith Stimely was born on April 9, 1957, in Connecticut, but grew up and was educated on the West coast. He studied at San José State University and the University of Oregon, from where he graduated in 1980 with a bachelor's degree in history. Stimely then joined the US Army, serving as a reserve officer. His interest in revisionist history began in high school, and in 1980 he spoke at the second IHR Conference (Pomona College). He joined the editorial staff of The Journal of Historical Review in June 1982, and served as its chief editor from February 1983 until February 1985. He compiled the 1981 Revisionist Bibliography (no longer in print), and was a gifted artist and pianist. He died in Portland, Oregon, on December 19, 1992.

The Fuehrer Headquarters 1939-1945 / The Great Age of German Films 1933-1945

Das Führerhauptquartier 1939-1945 [The Fuehrer Headquarters 1939-1945] compiled and edited by Gerhard Buck. Leoni am Starnberger See [D-8137]: Druffel Verlag, 1983, 176pp, DM 36.00, ISBN 3-8061-0830-7. Die große Zeit des deutschen Films 1933-1945 [The Great Age of German Films 1933-1945) edited by Michele Sakkara. Leoni am Starnberger See [D-8137]: Druffel Verlag, 1980, 184pp, DM 36.00,…

A Bibliography of Works on and Relating to Oswald Mosley and British Fascism

All About Sir Oswald Mosley. Sheffield: All-British Anti-Fascist Committee, 1937. Allen, W.E.D. “The Fascist Idea in Britain.” Quarterly Review Vol. 261 (October 1933), pp. 223–38. American Review (January 1934), pp. 328–38. Reprinted as Fascism in Relation to British History and Character. London: BUF Publications, n.d. [1933]. Annan, Noel. “Sir Oswald Leave the House” [review of…

The Torture of Julius Streicher

“This is Purim Fest 1946!” was Julius Streicher's apt comment before he was sucked down into death via a gallows trap-door in the Nuremberg Prison gymnasium on 16 October 1946. He was the seventh of ten International Military Tribunal defendants hanged that day in fulfillment of the sentences imposed. (Hermann Göring had cheated the hangman…

Uproar in Clio’s Library

A lengthy page-one, six column article in the Sunday, 23 December 1984 New York Times (Colin Campbell, “History and Ethics: A Dispute,” pp. 1, 35) brought to the attention of the general public for the first time the facts about a controversy within the halls of mainstream historical scholarship that has proceeded with mounting bitterness…

A Note From The Editor

In 1979 a group of 34 French historians, reacting to the first discom­fitures caused by Professor Robert Faurisson’s investigations of the World War II “gas chambers” allegation, published a declaration in Le Monde which contained these sentences: …. It is not necessary to ask how technically such mass murder was possible. It was possible, seeing…

Austin T. App, 1902-1984

One of the titanic figures of postwar revisionist historiography, Professor Austin J. App, died of kidney failure on 4 May 1984. A well-established author and scholar of English literature at the outbreak of World War II, Dr. App was soon appalled at the human suffering and political disaster caused by that “unnecessary conflict,” and for…

National Socialism and Fascism

The Revisionist Historians and German War Guiltby Warren B. Morris. Brooklyn: Revisionist Press, 1977. 141 pp. $69.95. Objective, analytical study of the foundations of revisionist historiography relating to Germany and its roles in the Second World War. Includes discussions of A.J.P. Taylor, David L. Hoggan, Harry Elmer Barnes, Paul Rassinier, Arthur R. Butz. Extensive notes…

Oswald Mosley Reconsidered

In the five years and twenty issues of its existence, this journal of contemporary history, devoted to the unusual and the unsung – to histories untold or told generally from only one point of view, to people and ideas, movements and events and interpretations not often given (so we from our perspective suppose) a fair…

The Sleight-of-Hand of Simon Wiesenthal: “Falso in Uno, Falso in Omnibus”

For many years Simon Wiesenthal has made a highly successful career for himself as the world’s foremost “Nazi hunter.” The American mass media have elevated him to secular sainthood and the U.S. Congress awarded him a special gold medal. In reality Wiesenthal is a proven liar. The most infamous example was his charge that an…

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