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Brian Ruhe Kicked out of his Buddhist Group for Being a Holocaust Denier Apr 8 2021

In this video (one hour and 16 minutes) Brian Ruhe interviews Jim Rizoli and Diane King, about his incredible expulsion from a Buddhist group for not believing in the "Holocaust" atrocity lie. This video dated April 8, 2021 talks about the absolutely amazing and incredible ordeal of Brian Ruhe. Brian became a Buddhist after becoming…

Holohoax Tales Dog Soup

Holohoax Tales Dog Soup. A Jewish prisoner, states that the Germans shot a dog as it was limping, which they got buried in the camp as "dogs should be with dogs". The same Jewish prisoner stood watch while other prisoners dug up the dead dog, for which he got a bone with meat on it. He added…

Ernst Zündel: Meets Attorney Douglas Christie for the first Time

Ernst Zundel Meets Attorney Douglas Christie for the first Time. In this video (19 minutes) Ernest Zundel (1939 – 2017) meets Douglas Christie (1946 – 2013). Douglas repersented Ernst at the Great "Holocaust" trial in 1985, when Ernst was charged by a Jewish group for stating that the "Holocaust" was anti-German atrocity propaganda. Douglas, a…

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