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Ernst Zündel: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations (1 of 12) French Subtitles.

In this Voice of Freedom broadcast (28 minutes) Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) looks at the relationship between Germans and Jews in the time of the (so-called) Second World War. Ernst examines important books in this "relationship", such as Other Losses, and Eisenhower's Death Camps. He looks at the insane Morgenthau plan, a plan, partially…

Brother Nathanael Pack on Russia Putin the Jews 2010 to 2015 (1 of 2) (1:50:00)

Brother Nathanael on Russia, Putin and the Jews 2010 to 2015 (1 of  2). Brother Nathanael, an Russian Orthodox Monk, a Jewish convert to Christianity, of the Brother Nathanael Foundation talks of the Jewish role in communism, and the rise of Vladimir Putin to lead the Russian Federation in 2012, in this (one and 50 minute)…


FRED LEUCHTER BLOCKADE BREAKER. In this video (55 minutes) we see Fred under attack by a small motley number of Zionist "Holocaust" atrocity liars in his home town of Malden, Massachusetts, USA, in January 1991. The Zionist liars have subjected Fred to a vicious campaign of harassment, lies, and smears to destroy him, his marriage, his…


FRED LEUCHTER AND BRADLEY SMITH ON BOSTON TV 1990. In this (49 minutes) video,  Fred Leuchter and Bradley R Smith (founder of CODOH) appear on the Jerry Williams Show on Boston TV. Jerry Williams of FOX25  introduces Brad and Fred for a discussion on the "Holocaust" atrocity lie with a member of a violent Jewish group….

Sink the Auschwitz 1990

Sink the Auschwitz 1990. In this video (1 hour and 4 minutes) the brilliant historian and researcher, David Irving gives a speech about the "Holocaust" atrocity lie to an appreciative audience in Canada, 1990. Introduced by the previous speaker, David gives a brilliant speech. First, David asks his opponents, the "Holocaust" atrocity liars, why they…

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