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David Irving Speaks on Hitler at Institute for Historical Review after Lipstadt Libel Case

About 58 minutes long; including Q & A at the end. Irving defends his Libel prosecution – except for the Judge. He discusses 'Holocaust survivors' – people who nothing much happened to. And 'deniers'—'a sort of Goebbelsian word'. "Since about 1963 jewish organisations around the world had decided to smash me, and we know this…

David Irving Canaris, Guernica, Martin Gilbert, and Churchill Archives, Jewish Bankers, Hitler

Canaris (intelligence chief). Was he a traitor?Guernica – Irving checked on the deaths; very fewMartin Gilbert, a 'Jew', given sole access to Churchill archives (!)Jewish bankers financed Hitler in 1920sGermany's plan for short war against PolandHitler: No pan to invade Britain according to coded messages. Churchill must have been a liar.

Holohoax Tales Bromide in the Coffee (1:15 min)

According to Wikipedia and Bromide is a sedative. It wouldn't make sense to feed this to workers. In this Video clip a Jew from Germany, claims that at Auschwitz, that his morning coffee was laced with Bromide. He confronted the chef who told him that he just poured the entire tin in and didn’t…

NPR Holocaust Memoir Exposed as Fake (17:00 min)

Source: NPRDecember 29, 2008Holocaust Memoir Exposed As Fake Herman Rosenblat, a Jew from Poland was moved into a “Ghetto” in 1939, where he and three brothers remained for six years. In 1945 he was transferred to Schlieben, a sub camp of Buchenwald. In his memoirs, for which he received $150,000 for book and film rights,…

Jewish Writer Gilad Atzmon on Free Speech and the Holocaust (14:04 min)

Gilad Atzmon discusses Tolerance, History and Revisionism on Aspen GrassRoots TV, July 2010 This set of six video clips covers an almost taboo controversy to do with freedom of speech. In the discussion, Atzmon stresses the ethical and logical need for history to be open to revision. Participants, left to right: Gilad Atzmon — Harvie…

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