Holohoax Tales – Latrine Beatings and Soap Made of Mother
Source: USC Shoah FoundationJewish Survivor Edith Ross Testimonyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXifQsbQ-ZA
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By To be determined ∙ March 12, 2020
Source: USC Shoah FoundationJewish Survivor Edith Ross Testimonyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXifQsbQ-ZA
By To be determined ∙ March 12, 2020
Eva Schloss recalls being tickled by the good-looking Nazis.Source: USC Shoah FoundationAug 15, 2019Jewish Survivor Eva Schloss Testimonyfull interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdrtor-N6iE&t=7920s
By To be determined ∙ March 10, 2020
Testimony of Leon Weinberg Source: Yale University
Leon W. Edited Testimony (HVT-8102)
Nov 12, 2019
full interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zyPm7PZQ1s
By To be determined ∙ March 10, 2020
Source:LES GLASSMAN, Feb 29, 2020Survivors of the Holocaust : Adele Judasfull interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIHqjyQ1UWQ
By Ernst Zündel ∙ March 4, 2020
This is part 2 of the very first video-documentary that was ever made by Ernst Zundel. It consists of Ernst Zundel along with a Swedish historian, Ditleib Felderer and an American military analyst, Eric Thomson and was recorded in Canada in 1983. Here Ditleib points out other buildings at Auschwitz I. Ditleib points out the…
By To be determined ∙ March 3, 2020
Eva Schloss recalls eating all day while working in the sorting section of Auschwitz. Source:USC Shoah FoundationAug 15, 2019Jewish Survivor Eva Schloss Testimonyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdrtor-N6iE&t=7920s
By Ernst Zündel ∙ March 3, 2020
This is the very first video (59 minutes) documentary ever made by Ernst Zundel. It consists of Ernst Zundel along with a Swedish historian, Ditleib Felderer and an American military analyst, John Thomson and was recorded in Canada in 1983. Using a model of the camp, Ditleib points out the various buildings in the camp….
By To be determined ∙ February 25, 2020
David Baddiel is Confronting Holocaust Deniers and Tackling Twitter Trolls | The Russell Howard Hour. Links:Handsome TruthHandsome Truth vs. DoooovidUploaded: February 15th, 2020https://www.bitchute.com/video/P4dVfzb3afA6/
By To be determined ∙ February 25, 2020
Jewish pundit admits the 6-million figure is not true: Handsome Truth vs. Doooovid. Links:Handsome TruthHandsome Truth vs. DoooovidUploaded: February 15th, 2020https://www.bitchute.com/video/P4dVfzb3afA6/
By Steven Spielberg ∙ February 23, 2020
Steven Spielberg induces survivors to talk about the Holocaust.
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