Ernst Zündel-Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction (Part 3 of 3) (9:59 min)
Ernst Zundel-Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction (Part 3 of 3). Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) continues with his video, looking at aspects of the Holocau$t, and comparing facts and fiction.
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By To be determined ∙ February 14, 2020
Ernst Zundel-Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction (Part 3 of 3). Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) continues with his video, looking at aspects of the Holocau$t, and comparing facts and fiction.
By To be determined ∙ February 14, 2020
The Jewish plan to murder six million Europeans. This is a eye opening video (29 minutes) which details how the Allies allowed Jews to murder Germans at will after the 1939 – 1945 war. The video details how the Jewish brigade, a unit set up by Winston Spencer-Churchill, spawned a number of plots to murder…
By BBC ∙ February 13, 2020
Dr.Niels Harrit. Interview with brain-dead BBC reporter. Dr Niels Harrit is a retired Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen and discusses the collapse of the three buildings on 9/11 ten years ago. Dr Harrit is the author of Active Thermitic Material observed in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, (found in all…
By Ernst Zündel ∙ February 13, 2020
Ernst Zundel Historical Facts vs. Fiction Part 2 of 3 Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) continues with his video, looking at the Holocau$t literature, and comparing facts and fiction.
By Ernst Zündel ∙ February 13, 2020
Ernst Zündel: Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction. Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) talks (8 minutes) about the "Holocau$t" and compares the facts with the fiction. Part 1 of 3. Here he refers to the propaganda activities of the "Holocau$t" museum.
By Robert Faurisson ∙ February 11, 2020
The late Mr. Ernst Zundel and Prof. Robert Faurisson examine the contents of the novel "Night" by Mr. Elie Wiesel which, according to Mr. Wiesel, was an accurate description of his experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camp during the war. Notably, Mr. Wiesel does not mention gas chambers in his novel as the gas chamber…
By To be determined ∙ February 10, 2020
One of the many video's YouTube has censored, because the truth is no defence,especially where the chosen people are concerned. Anne Frank, Holohoax, Holocaustianity, Gas Chambers.
By To be determined ∙ February 10, 2020
Relearn Reality 40 Questions on the Holocaust According to the World Almanac, there were 15.3 million Jews in 1938, 6 million died in the holocaust leaving ± 9.3 million in 1945, (According to the Holohoax), in 1948 there where 15.8 million Jews,(According to World Almanac figures) an increase of 70% in 3 years, if this…
By Ernst Zündel, David Cole ∙ February 9, 2020
Ernst Zundel explores Auschwitz with David Cole. They start out their tour from the front of the Auschwitz brothel, visit the swimming pool next to the prisoner barracks, examine the "wall of death" and alleged "gas chamber" and conclude at the memorial monument.
By Unknown Author ∙ February 8, 2020
What was life really like at Auschwitz?
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