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Holocaust Survivors

Alison Chabloz is a Holocaust revisionist who is being persecuted for posting a satirical song to YouTube named "(((Survivors)))" in which she pokes fun at some of the more-absurd claims made by "Holocaust Survivors". The "Survivors" she featured in her song include: (i) Irene Zisblatt, a Hungarian Jew who claims to have repeatedly swallowed, pooped…

Holocaust: The Death Toll (6:12 MIn)

Holocaust: The Death Toll Fascinating video (6 minutes) which looks at the numbers involved in the so-called "holocau$t". It also reveals that most Jews were not in concentration camps (about 9,000 according to the Korherr report) but in Labor camps. The video also looks at what the Allies actually knew about the Jews under German…

Holocaust Typhus and Zyklon B

Holocaust Typhus and Zyklon B This video (10 minutes) reports on the various methods used by the Germans to combat Typhus. Their main weapon was the use of a fumigant called Zyclon B [Zyclon is the German word for Cyclone] to kill lice, bugs, fleas and other vermin which carried the disease. This is a cyanide…

Allied Massacres at Dachau at “Liberation” (1:21:00)

Allied massacres at Dachau at "liberation." Focal Point presents this video (one hour and 21 minutes) about the massacres of German prisoners at Dachau carried out by the US Army in 1945. After a short introduction by David Irving, Charles Provan, an American researcher gives a speech about the events when the US Army entered…

The First Holocaust (1:09:32)

The First Holocaust – The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure. This video (one hour nine minutes) consists of three parts. Part One explains how the "six million" figure came into being. Part Two "Six million" before Hitler Part Three explains the "six million" and the Media.  This is an amazing video and a must-see. It…

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