
What influence is exercised on a society, when its children, from a very young age, are constantly bombarded with atrocity stories in books, documentaries and movies, depicting certain ethnic groups as diabolically evil perpetrators, and another as composed of innocent victims deserving all the compassion we can muster? Depicting history and the world in unrealistic black and white patterns must deform a society. Papers listed here address this issue.

Yaffa Eliach – “one of America’s most respected Holocaust scholars”

Below is our response to the US News & World Report (USN&WR) article of July 8, 1996 and The New York Times (NYT) autobiographical article by Yaffa Eliach of August 6, 1996. Only the USN&WR article is copied below, the NYT is very long, current and easily available to anyone interested. USN&WR in its July…

Anthology on Jewish Resistance and anti-Polonism

Webster's Dictionary defines the word “anthology” as: “collection of poems, stories, etc.” The book Anthology on Armed Jewish Resistance 1939-1945 (1986 Second Revised Edition) by Isaac Kowalski, (ISBN 0-9613219-0-3) is made up of stories of valor, various claims and charges, some anonymous, most fantastic. Nothing in this 650 page book is authenticated. Not a single…

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

A column in the June 16, 1996 edition of the Orange County (California) Register, recounted details of the desecration of a grave. It's an oddly common crime (or so some say) but this one had a twist. You might even say a warp. Across a busy thoroughfare from a little unincorporated area called Midway City,…

Facing the Holocaust

It may or may not be a conspiracy, but it feels like much more than pure coincidence. On Jan. 17, there appeared in the Boston Globe an Op-Ed piece by Jeff Jacoby, a conservative columnist, attacking the most-praised Holocaust curriculum in the nation, “Facing History and Ourselves.” The piece came as a shock to many…

New Holocaust museum director promotes the uniqueness of the Jewish genocide

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council named a new director for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum this week who is known for his position on the uniqueness of the Holocaust. Steven Katz, a 50-year-old professor of history and religion at Cornell University, will succeed founding director Jeshajahu Weinberg, 76, who is retiring. Katz's appointment has refocused…

Montreal lawyer says Jewish leaders are trying to manipulate the community

As far as Mountreal's Jewish community is concerned, Julius Grey's timing and statements could not have been more outrageous. Hundreds of community members called radio talk shows, rabbis, friends and communal organizations last week in response to the renowned lawyer's public comments that anti-Semitism and the Holocaust were being manipulated by Jewish leaders in an…

Teaching The Horror

A fifth-grader at Tamarac Elementary School in Holbrook, L.I., spied the french fries on the plate of her friend and asked if she could have some. Before her friend could reply, a male classmate snorted: “Sure she eats off other's plates, her name is Pig.” The girl, Nancy Pigawic, turned ashen and began to cry….

Not facing history

In the recent flap over the Holocaust curriculum “Facing History and Ourselves,” it was easy enough to demolish the criticisms offered of the program. Christina Jeffrey, Newt Gingrich's nominee for House historian, had, it turned out, recommended that the program be denied a Department of Education grant because it did not present the Nazi “point…

Not Only Jews

Tel Aviv — A plan to teach Israeli high school students that the Holocaust was not history's only genocide — that it also happened to other peoples like the Armenians and Gypsies — has touched some sensitive nerves here. Last fall, the people in charge of curriculum in Israeli schools enthusiastically gave the go-ahead to…

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