
What influence is exercised on a society, when its children, from a very young age, are constantly bombarded with atrocity stories in books, documentaries and movies, depicting certain ethnic groups as diabolically evil perpetrators, and another as composed of innocent victims deserving all the compassion we can muster? Depicting history and the world in unrealistic black and white patterns must deform a society. Papers listed here address this issue.

Outlaw History #27

The young prince Harry showed up at a party this week wearing a sand-colored shirt reminiscent of “Desert Fox” Erwin Rommel (Hitler's favorite general) – with a Nazi Wehrmacht emblem on the collar, and a Nazi armband with swastika. What was he thinking? He probably wasn't thinking. The boy just wanted to have fun. Prince…

Outlaw History #28

Prince Harry is going to be punished for renting, then wearing, a German Nazi uniform to a party. The London Times reports that no authority figure was present to remonstrate with Harry about his choice of costume. Harry did what regular blokes do. He chose the costume he thought would be most amusing to the…

Outlaw History #29

Michael Howard, the recently enthroned leader of all the Tories in Great Britain, and the leading candidate to replace Tony Blair as the leader of all the British people, is demanding that young Prince Harry apologize fully, and even fulsomely, to everyone everywhere for wearing a German military costume to a costume party. Mr. Michael…

Outlaw History #31

Even PBS's Linda Ellerbee seems a little sheepish about the question, “Why another Holocaust documentary?” She should be. Another mixing of “re-creations” with historical footage will provide American and British viewers with a step-by-step approach to the planning and execution of a “final solution,” that, in the event, didn't happen. Something happened, all right. But…

Revisionist Notebook

Boneheads at Auschwitz Museum Admit to Faking “Original State” of Auschwitz Gas Chamber. For the best part of half a century the official guides who work at the Auschwitz Museum have told visitors from around the world that the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz I is in its “original state.” That's the one everyone visits. No…

Indelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust

Annette Insdorf, Indelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003, 430 pp., $25.- Indelible Shadows is a rather idiosyncratic study of films, dramatic and documentary, that cluster around the Holocaust, narrowly defined by author Annette Insdorf as the “genocide of European Jewry.” If the author is to be believed, the…

All Men Are Equal-But Are They Really?

In 1994, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray published their highly controversial book, The Bell Curve, in which they claimed that the American Black population has a lower average intelligence quotient than the American White population, and genetic differences between the two groups are to a large extent responsible for this. Of course, this raised a…

The Hole in the Door

Introduction It is important for understanding political and religious phenomena to realize that abnormal behavior is transmittable. At the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, the German neurologist Kraepelin described a condition which he called “induced insanity”.[1] Thereby a psychotic person, called the Inductor, can cause a similar sickness in otherwise normal persons….

A Look Back at Revisionism

For many years now, revisionist books and journal articles accumulate, which due to their scientific depth, their sheer irrefutable evidence and rigorous argumentation should have been in a position to cause a historiographic revolution all by themselves. But nothing happens. The silencing spiral, together with the increased worldwide range of persecution, silences more and more…

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