Questions and Answers on the Holohoax by Harold A. Covington (22:55 min)
Questions and Answers on the Holohoax by Harold A. Covington.
Some 20% of post-war Polish territory is made up of former German lands; hence, some 20% of today’s Polish towns and cities once bore German names. All place names have long since been Polonized – all, except for one town, which displays bilingual entry signs: Auschwitz. Ethnically speaking, Oswiecim was never German. So why would the fiercely nationalistic Poles retain the Germanized name? Because it is big business. For the world at large, Auschwitz is synonymous with the Holocaust, and it represents the pinnacle of Nazi evil. Yet here we do not focus on the symbol which Auschwitz has become, but on the Auschwitz camp and its numerous satellite camps, such as Birkenau, Monowitz, Harmense, Raisko, etc.
By To be determined ∙ January 30, 2020
Questions and Answers on the Holohoax by Harold A. Covington.
By To be determined ∙ January 26, 2020
Auschwitz Photos of Buildings Happy Inmates Work for Play Health. This video (13 minutes) looks at the various activities and buildings at Auschwitz. It shows how music was a big part of life. One major feature was the stress on clean practices, as it was essential to maintain the health of the detainees. A very…
By To be determined ∙ January 24, 2020
What Is the Holocaust? A Timeline of the Final Solution 1933-1945. A timeline (12 minutes) of the supposed "Holocau$t" by a Jewish spokesman from Israel. Misleading statements, unbelievable conclusions and facts presented without any evidence, make up the narrative.
By David Irving ∙ April 30, 2019
Sink the Auschwitz – David Irving speaks about Auschwitz in 1990. In this (One hour 4 minutes) video, David Irving, best selling author and superb researcher dismisses the Auschwitz "Holocau$t" as a lie.
By Jürgen Graf ∙ April 15, 2019
Swiss Revisionist Jürgen Graf tackles this very important subject. One of the many claims by "Holocau$t" scammers in their continual fakery, is how German documents don't really mean what they say. When the Korherr document (which was submitted by Himmler to Hitler) says that over a million Jews have been transferred to the Russian East through the…
By John Wear ∙ April 4, 2019
Cyrus Cox. Auschwitz—Forensically Examined. Castle Hill Publications, Uckfield, UK, 114 pp., £8/$10. Auschwitz—Forensically Examined by Cyrus Cox summarizes the forensic evidence proving that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp. This article will review some of the important points mentioned in this book. The Chemistry of Auschwitz Forensic tests show that all of the delousing facilities…
By Germar Rudolf ∙ February 18, 2019
Abstract Danuta Czech’s Auschwitz Chronicle are one of the most important secondary sources on the history of the Auschwitz Camp.[1] The information found in it is a major basis for a large body of literature dealing with the Auschwitz Camp. All the more important it is, then, to verify whether the data contained in it is…
By Norman Finkelstein ∙ January 6, 2019
Sixty-five years ago, Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet troops. Peter Lavelle asks his guests what the legacy of the Holocaust is today. Is its memory being abused? Does Israel use Holocaust as a blackmail weapon? Norman Finkelstein and Israel W. Charny discuss the issue in a heated debate.
By Carlo Mattogno ∙ December 30, 2018
By Carlo Mattogno ∙ December 15, 2004
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