
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

Belzec or the Holocaust Controversy of Roberto Muehlenkamp

On the Holocaust Controversies[1] blog website, an article by a certain Roberto Muehlenkamp has appeared that attempts to refute, in part, the American edition of my study on the Bełżec camp[2], in particular Chapter IV entitled “Bełżec in Polish Archeological Research (1997 to 1999)”. This chapter contains an analysis of the report on the excavations…

The Sobibor “Death Camp” in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case (2009)

On April 14, John Demjanjuk was almost deported to Germany to stand trial for alleged war crimes. A last minute ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati blocked this German extradition request, and the 89 year-old Ukrainian émigré was returned to his home. German authorities claim Demjanjuk walked Jews from train…

Revisionist Reflections on the Upcoming “Holocaust” Demjanjuk Trial in Germany

John Demjanjuk and a US Judge’s Ruling After losing a long legal battle to stay in the US, John Demjanjuk was deported to Germany on May 12 to stand trial for alleged war crimes. He is charged with helping to murder 29,000 Jews. In 2002, US District Court Judge Paul R. Matia claimed in his…

How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber – In an Even Easier Way

In Smith's Report #149 (April 2008) I published an article called “Experto Crede, or How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber”, devoted to a special category of Shoah survivors: those resourceful Jewish fellows who saw one of the fabled Nazi homicidal gas chambers from the inside, and then escaped from it to tell their…

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Addenda

In my previous posting on the recent excavations at the alleged extermination camp Sobibór I pointed out the incongruence between A. Kola's reported interpretations of findings made at the site and later claims made by among others the museal authorities in charge of the Sobibór memorial. I further examined various eyewitness statements regarding the "gas chambers"…

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Some Preliminary Observations

In an article of mine published last year (2008), I made the following remark on the apparent lack of documentation on Polish archeologist Andrzej Kola's excavations at the former site of the alleged "pure extermination camp" Sobibór ( «The most troublesome aspect of the 2001 excavation is the complete lack of publicly available documentation. Despite…

Grave pit enlargement at Bełżec caused by soil movement?

Between 1997 and 1999, Polish archeologist Professor Andrzej Kola carried out select excavations and probe drills at the former site of the Bełżec camp in eastern Poland, where allegedly 434,501 Jews (434,508 Jews were deported to the camp according to the so-called Höfle telegram, whereof 7 reportedly survived) were gassed to death, buried, disinterred and…

Christopher Browning and the “Nazi Gas Chambers” of Belzec

Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. He was the Canadian government’s most important expert witness at the 1988 Holocaust trial in Toronto, where Ernst Zundel was prosecuted for allegedly publishing false news about the Jewish experience during WWII. He also testified as an expert…

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