
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

Painting with eggs in Auschwitz

Artists at Auschwitz. There was a number of Jewish artists at the camp. One escaped the "gas chamber" by hiding in the hospital! Most of them survived. Of course, you normally have a few artists in a "death camp". Using egg yolks (mixed with colour pigments) in painting, was a method used by the Romans, and…

The Psychology of Neo-Nazism Another Journey by Train to Auschwitz

In this video clip (49 minutes) which is taken from British Television, Kitty Hart (nee Felix), an Auschwitz “survivor” takes an another journey to Auschwitz, to meet a number of young whites who agreed to go there to discuss her experiences. The programme was produced by Peter Morley (Meyer), a Jew who left Germany in…

Dr. Josef Mengele: Angel of Death—or Reprieve?

Josef Mengele (1911-1979) is famous for his alleged participation in the selection of prisoners to be executed in alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With the exceptions of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, no man has been so vilified as the personification of Nazi evil as Dr. Mengele. This article disputes this widely held image of Mengele.

Massacre at Dachau and other Allied War Crimes (1:21:00)

In this one hour and twenty one minute video, David Irving introduces Charles Provan (1955-2007) at a Focal Point meeting in 1999. Charles Provan was looking for the depositions of Doctor Georg Morgen (1909-1982), a Judge who investigated corruption in the concentration camps during the war. He turned himself over to the Americans who promptly…

Holohoax Tales Avoided the Gas Chamber by Switching Lines

At Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau) it is constantly stressed by “Holocaust survivors” that the German camp staff sorted the transports of deported Jews into two lines, one, the left, was to the “gas chamber”, the right was for labour. Here Arek Hersh in this one and half minute video claims that he avoided the “gas chamber”…

Auschwitz Krema 1 LIES

In this fifteen minute clip, Jim Rizoli exposes the lies told by the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propagandists regarding Crematorium (Krema) Number 1 at Auschwitz 1 (The original camp).Firstly, Jim shows a clip of a “guide” at the camp, who states that the gas chamber and crematorium was outside the camp (!) next to the SS…

Preliminary Report of Archaeological Excavations in the Sobibór Extermination Center, 2016

On May 5, 2018, we downloaded this file from the website dedicated to ongoing research in the area of the former Sobibór Camp. It summarizes the results of forensic excavations conducted up to 2015. The file has since been removed, and the Wayback Machine has no copy of it either. Hence we re-post it on…

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