
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

Review of Auschwitz Forensically Examined

Cyrus Cox. Auschwitz—Forensically Examined. Castle Hill Publications, Uckfield, UK, 114 pp., £8/$10. Auschwitz—Forensically Examined by Cyrus Cox summarizes the forensic evidence proving that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp. This article will review some of the important points mentioned in this book. The Chemistry of Auschwitz Forensic tests show that all of the delousing facilities…

The 1999 Krege Report on the Treblinka Extermination Camp

On Jan 21, 2012, The Barnes Review posted a paper by Santiago Alvarez reporting about research conducted by a mainstream archaeologist in the area of the former German wartime camp "Treblinka," where some 700,000 Jews are said to have been murdered during WWII. In this posting reference was made to the preliminary results of similar research conducted in 1999 by Australian engineer Richard Krege. Alvarez indicated that so far Krege's brief paper on the results of his research had been published only in German and French. Made aware of this, one of our volunteers swiftly translated Krege's paper, and here it is (somewhat edited and corrected).

Eyewitnesses to the Treblinka “Gas Chambers”

Traditional Holocaust historians state that Treblinka was a pure extermination camp in which approximately 870,000 Jews were murdered. The number of Jewish survivors of Treblinka is generally thought to have been between 40 and 70, and probably closer to the lower figure. This article will examine the credibility of several Jewish survivors of Treblinka.

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