Einsatzgruppen (Shootings)

Next to gas chambers, mass shootings behind the German-Russian front are said to have been the main tool of wanton mass murder of Europe’s Jews. The units allegedly deployed for that purpose were the infamous Einsatzgruppen, whose official task it was to “pacify” the rear area of the German army in the east, mainly by combatting partisan groups.

The Einsatzgruppen and the Holocaust

The history of the Holocaust, within the larger context of the Second World War has the unusual and unique facility of periodically transforming itself, albeit in a manner which serves perceived Jewish collective interests. This is important because the Holocaust is unlike any other conflict, war, event, or cause in history in that it remains…

Facing a New Decade

By Thomas Kues Counting the years properly we are now facing a new decade. What will it bring for holocaust revisionism?In one of my first articles for Smith's Report, “What Remains to be Researched?” (issue 150) I outlined a number of areas still in need of research as well as mentioned a number of studies…

News notices relating to the Einsatzgruppen and the “Holocaust” in the Soviet Union from Judisk Krönika

Presented by Thomas Kues In the recently published study Sobibór. Holocaust and Propaganda co-authored by Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno and myself a subchapter (pp. 361-363) of our discussion on the fate of the allegedly gassed Jews is devoted to a number of quotes from war-year issues of the Swedish-Jewish periodical Judisk Krönika (Jewish Chronicle) which…

"Hitler’s Hidden Holocaust"

Touted as a documentary which would change the Holocaust narrative as we know it by revealing new information on the Einsatzgruppen and what has come to called “the Holocaust by bullets,” National Geographic's special “Hitler's Hidden Holocaust” which aired on August 2, 2009 failed to deliver on its hype. Anticipating a clear new thesis which…


The Soviets were the main contributors of what was deemed to be evidence of alleged German crimes at the Nürnberg Trials of the International Military Tribunal (IMT). In November 1942, they created the: “Extraordinary State Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices” to investigate those alleged crimes. From…

A brief note on Father Patrick Desbois

In the most recent issue (#161) of the revisionist newsletter Smith's Report (available online at http://www.codoh.com/newsite/sr/online/sr_161.pdf), Stephen Gallant comments on a lecture held in New York by Father Patrick Desbois, the author of Holocaust by Bullets, a book praised by Elie Wiesel and other Shoah potentates. Desbois, a French catholic priest, has spent several years travelling…

Holocaust standards

Here's an account of the standards of proof that some two million (2,000,000) persons were murdered. Not too far into the reading we find that the focus is on Jewish victims. http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/einsatzdec.html Military Tribunal II – Case 9(pages 1-54) The United States of America – vs – OTTO OHLENDORF, HEINZ JOST, ERICH NAUMANN, OTTO RASCH,…

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