Forensic Research

History has three legs to stand on: witness accounts, documents, and, least corruptible, material traces of objects and events. The latter are the focus of forensic research. When it comes to the mass murder of six million civilians in central Europe within the years 1941-1944, one would expect not only a vast amount of material traces of such a butchery, but also, and most certainly, a large amount of field work carried out in order to investigate any such evidence. Yet orthodox scholars never troubled themselves with this kind of fundamental inquiry, at least until revisionists started rocking the boat. Here are listed papers dealing with forensic investigation of the (alleged) traces of the Holocaust.

Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves

A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there. For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former…

Comments on the Recent Excavations at Belzec, 30/07/1998

Gentlemen: The communication that follows below has appeared on the Nizkor Internet site and consists of a note (hereinafter referred to as R2) from a participant (Robin O'Neil, University College London) in the recent dig at the site of the Belzec concentration camp, as well as a further note from a German student requesting information….

Kenneth Stern’s Critique of The Leuchter Report: A Critical Analysis

When The Leuchter Report was first published in April 1988, there was immediate and enthusiastic welcome by the revisionists, while nary a word from the holocaustians. Indeed, it was some two years before the publishing of their first rebuttals. These consisted primarily of ad hominem arguments, such as lack of proper credentials, incoherence, or implying…

The Leuchter Report Vindicated

In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. His sensational conclusion – that these structures were never used as gas chambers to kill people – set off an international controversy that is still continuing. In…

Some Technical and Chemical Considerations about the “Gas Chambers” of Auschwitz and Birkenau

1. Introduction Prior to the Leuchter Report[1] no scientific studies of any significance had ever been conducted about the homicidal 'gas chambers'[2] of Auschwitz and Majdanek, which is astonishing in view of the importance of the topic. Even in the great Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt in the mid-1960s, the expert reports that were commissioned had…

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