
The revisionist perspective of the history and objectives of re-examining the Holocaust narrative.

Revisionism as a Political Factor in Germany

tarassei tonz anqrwponz on ta pragmata alla ta peri twn praymatwv dogmata. It is not facts that confuse people, But their interpretation. (Epiktet, Ench., Chapter 5) Revisionists have produced considerable scientific achievements during the last decades; however, what is still missing is a general overview of these opinions and the implications they hold for the…

Revisionism in Cartoons

In all the years that I worked together with Robert Faurisson on various publication projects, starting with my first meeting with him in Vichy in late fall 1991 until this very day, I have always experienced Robert's gentle and sometimes cynical humor. He frequently sent me cartoons drawn by some of his friends and supporters,…

Robert Faurisson and Revisionism in Italy

In August 1979, the well-established magazine “Storia Illustrata” published an interview given to Antonio Pitamitz by Robert Faurisson,[1] which has become a milestone along the road of historical revisionism. At the time, I had already started to devote myself to revisionism, and through this text with its clear, essential, and convincing statements I really became…

Upward and Onward

When I published my first revisionist book as a one-man-publisher back in late 1998 while still residing in England,[1] it took only a few months to get a very positive feedback from a well-known revisionist in the U.S., who was not only excited about such a fine study being written and published, but who also…

Bad News, Good News

Holocaust Education. September 26: on the Canadian prairie, an obscure former high school teacher, James Keegstra, is sentenced to a year in prison (suspended) – for introducing his students to a different side of the Holocaust question nearly 20 years ago. October 22: in Paris an attorney, Eric Delcroix, is fined over 20,000 francs for…

Outlaw History #25

It's good to see you are up and running again and have all these new sites. At the same time I think your mission has largely been accomplished, and if revisionism is in a lull these days there's a good reason for it: the revisionists have won. Before I get into that I have to…

Outlaw History #26

I disagree with all these people who see gloom and doom for revisionism. The ONLY thing that's positive in the world today is that people like Bush have no credibility anymore, at least outside the US. The whole world realizes, now, at long last, that the Americans lie, that they commit atrocities, that the world…

A Personal History of Moral Decay

This is a collection of autobiographical narratives that have been written over the last 40-odd years. There is more to come. 1950's (SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES) "The Daring Young Man Meets William Saroyan"That morning in the forest we fell out alongside the trail for a rest and some chow. There was the creek, the trail…

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