Orthodoxy Criticized

Critique and counter-critique is one of the hallmarks of a scholarly attitude, so it goes without saying that revisionists are taking their opponents’ arguments and responses seriously. Hence, this section addresses the theses of several orthodox scholars on the Holocaust which have evoked revisionist responses. Although most orthodox scholars insist that revisionist arguments are not even worth looking at, a number of them have in fact breached the taboo and have not only looked at revisionist arguments, but have actually deigned to criticize them in one way or other. The revisionist responses and rebuttals can be found here as well.

Survivors vs. David Irving

Shelly Shapiro is the harridan who directs the Holocaust Survivors & Friends Education Center in Albany, New York. She's led the attack against Boston gas-chamber expert Fred Leuchter, author of The Leuchter Report. Shapiro has worked to destroy Leuchter's livelihood and has tried to get him jailed, ostensibly for practicing his trade “without a license.”…

Dr. Deborah Lipstadt & the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

“In recent months, a lone denier, Bradley Smith, has garnered incredible amounts of attention with a tactically brilliant but devious maneuver: the placing of advertisements in student newspapers arguing there was no Holocaust.” Deborah Lipstadt, Holocaust historian and the only female golem still residing in Los Angeles county, gives me the benefit of her attention…

Auschwitz Museum Director Protests His Own Interview

Dr. Franciszek Piper has written the following letter to Target, a magazine published in New South Wales, Australia. If we’re tempted to poke fun at Dr. Piper’s English, we vow to stop and take a moment to reflect on how well we write Polish. Dr Franciszek PiperPanstwowe Muzeum32-603 OswiecimPoland The Magazine “On Target,” Australia In…


Banned as we are from “legitimate” fora such as “name” publishers, university faculties, and even (through the imposition of prejudicial “standards” of verification) from Wikipedia, we revisionists have been forced to take recourse in on-demand printing for our books and websites and blogs for our publications on the Internet. The well-entrenched defenders of the Holocaust…

Republican Party Animal

Republican Party Animal, by David Cole, Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, 2014, 319 pp. Republican Party Animal is a layered chronicle of David Cole’s short but storied public career as a “Jewish Holocaust denier” and of his equally unlikely “second life” as David Stein, when he would come to play an influential role as an…

A Holocaust Revisionist Response to Pope Francis’s claim that “Holocaust Denial is madness”

According to a June 13, 2014, news report, Pope Francis claimed in an interview to a Spanish newspaper that “Holocaust Denial” is “madness.” This truly is a bizarre statement on the Pope’s part, because with regard to the traditional Holocaust story, the Papacy has a documented track record of piously promoting Holocaust falsehood, while the…

The Smithsonian Institution’s Documentary “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine”

David Merlin Addresses the Smithsonian Institution with Regard to Its Program Titled “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine” Chancellor John G. Roberts Jr.Smithsonian InstitutionPO Box 37012SI Building, Room 153, MRC 010Washington, D.C. 20013-7012To Smithsonian Channel:[email protected] May 21, 2014 Dear Chancellor Roberts: I have long enjoyed Smithsonian magazine and admired the Smithsonian Institution. Therefore I feel constrained to…

Comparative Review of Two Works on the Aktion Reinhardt Camps

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard: A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues, by Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, and Nicholas Terry, Holocaust Controversies; 2011, 570 pp. and The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”: An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the…

The Case For Auschwitz

The Case For Auschwitz, by Robert Jan van Pelt, Indiana University Press Bloomington, IN 2002. 570 pp., with notes, bibliography, indexed. It is strange that an event, or rather a series of events that have marked the history of the 20th century perhaps more strongly than any other with the possible exception of the annihilation…

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