Orthodoxy Criticized

Critique and counter-critique is one of the hallmarks of a scholarly attitude, so it goes without saying that revisionists are taking their opponents’ arguments and responses seriously. Hence, this section addresses the theses of several orthodox scholars on the Holocaust which have evoked revisionist responses. Although most orthodox scholars insist that revisionist arguments are not even worth looking at, a number of them have in fact breached the taboo and have not only looked at revisionist arguments, but have actually deigned to criticize them in one way or other. The revisionist responses and rebuttals can be found here as well.

Deborah Lipstadt, Lost in the Age of Internet

Early Holocaust Revisionists: Freedman, Hoggan, Barnes, and Rassinier   The Defenders of the Holocaust Faith have been outspoken about politics recently. On 14 November Deborah Lipstadt told Politico that she was “flabbergasted” and “almost at a loss for words” because of the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump's chief advisor, given Bannon's association with…

The Anti-Revisionist Hollywood Movie Attacking Historian David Irving Is a Flop

Denial. BBC Films. 109 minutes. This reviewer was expecting that it would be a tedious ordeal to sit through Denial, Hollywood’s attempted canonization of the obnoxious thought cop Deborah Lipstadt, which was supposed to also serve as the final confirmation of the libel trial in London in 2000 that saw historian David Irving’s reputation supposedly…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Ruling Discourse on Holocaust Studies

With the renewed interest in Deborah Lipstadt due to the release of the film Denial, we have chosen to include this article by the late Bradley R. Smith. Smith comments extensively about Lipstadt’s anti-revisionist book, Denying the Holocaust and especially the vitriol that Lipstadt unleashed on him for his work to introduce college students to…

David v. Goliath: Irving versus Lipstadt (London, 2000)

Acknowledgment: I wish to thank David Irving for a prompt and thorough response to my request that he review a draft of this article for accuracy. He pointed out several areas of misstatement or neglected points, and this permitted considerable improvement to the article. An identical request made at the same time to Dr. Lipstadt…

The Taboo against Truth

“Speaking truth to power” is not easy when you support that power. Perhaps this is the reason why so few Western historians are willing to tell the whole truth about state crimes during this century. Last fall [1988 —Ed.] the Moscow News reported the discovery by two archaeologist-historians of mass graves at Kuropaty, near Minsk,…

The Battle for Discussion

Deborah Lipstadt has recently become newsworthy again as a result of the release of the movie Denial that tells the tale of David Irving’s defamation lawsuit against her and Penguin books.  The movie, which flopped at the box office, purports to tell how David Irving charged Lipstadt with libel for calling him a “Holocaust denier”…

Lipstadt’s Motivations and “ad Hominem” Attacks

This article originally appeared as Chapter 3 of Germar Rudolf’s recent book, Fail: “Denying the Holocaust.” How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. The current edition titled Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” may be purchased through https://armreg.co.uk/. Revisionist Motives According to Lipstadt I will here discuss some sweeping…

Curated Lies

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. Since the early 1990s, revisionist historians have published an increasing amount of research about the infamous German facility at Ausch­witz in what is now Poland. This research surpasses the work of the Auschwitz Museum’s own research department in both quantity…

Inside the Gas Chambers

Since the early 1990s, critical historians have published a steadily growing number of carefully investigated studies on the so-called “Holocaust.” Hence the orthodox historians, usually paid by the government, were compelled to do something against the rising tide of revisionist arguments. Therefore, after a conference had been held in Germany to discuss the matter, an…

Denial: To the Victor Go the Spoils

The movie proving the Holocaust, in a court of law, hit the big screen on September 30, misrepresenting the 2000 libel suit brought by David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt, author of a book, Denying History, in which she accused Irving of many things he had not done, including, most-notably, Holocaust Denial. Irving, of course, lost,…

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