Revisionist Breakthroughs

Mainstream media and orthodox scholars usually turn a blind eye to Holocaust revisionism and its proponents, but there are numerous exceptions to that rule, each one of them causing a major or minor public uproar. Here you can find some of these cases, organized by countries where they occurred.

French Study of Israel’s ‘Founding Myths’ Provokes Furious Attack

Even as independent thinking is being suppressed in “politically correct” America, and erased in today’s national-masochist Germany, happily some remnants of traditional Gallic nonconformism are still alive in France. If a Frenchman asks you the rhetorical question “Do you think I am a fool?,” it means he is irritated by your naive assumption that he…

'The Catastrophe of Revisionism'

Along with much of the US media, many American intellectuals have sought to dismiss the worldwide revisionist assault against the Holocaust extermination story as an inconsequential and transitory phenomenon. In Europe, though, leading intellectuals understand that revisionism is something much more profound and durable. Few periodicals play a greater role in European intellectual life than…

‘No Gas Chambers’ Says Influential Japanese Magazine

Under the provocative headline, “The Greatest Taboo of Postwar World History: There were no Nazi ‘Gas Chambers’,” a ten-page revisionist article appeared in the February 1995 issue of Marco Polo, an influential and reputable Japanese magazine. Packed with advertising for luxury goods by major international firms, and sprinkled with photographs of pretty young women, Marco…

Major French Magazine Acknowledges Auschwitz Gas Chamber Fraud

One of France’s most influential and reputable magazines, L’Express, now acknowledges that “everything is false” about the Auschwitz “gas chamber” that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly. “Auschwitz: The Memory of Evil,” a lengthy article by journalist and historian Eric Conan, a dedicated anti-revisionist, appears in the January 19–25,…

Bradley Smith’s “Campus Project” Generates Nationwide Publicity for Holocaust Revisionism

During the past year Bradley Smith – America’s most prominent revisionist activist, and a good friend of the Institute for Historical Review – has succeeded in generatingunprecedented nationwide publicity for Holocaust revisionism as part of his “Campus Project.” Defying a well-organized campaign of threats, intimidation and smears, he and his Committee for Open Debate on…

60 Minutes Takes Aim at Holocaust Revisionism

“60 Minutes,” America's single most widely viewed television program and by far the most influential public affairs program, devoted the lead segment of its March 20 broadcast to Holocaust revisionism.[1] In spite of its clearly hostile bias and deceitful omissions and distortions, this popular, primetime CBS News broadcast was a major media advance for historical…

Smith and Cole Appear on “Donahue” Show in Major Media Breakthrough for Revisionism

Video not playing? Download file instead. Watch the Phil Donahue Show of March 14, 1994, featuring Bradley Smith, David Cole and Michael Shermer(with comments by Mike Smith aka DenierBud) With an estimated eight to eleven million viewers, “Donahue” is one of America's most popular television talk shows. Thus, the recent appearance of revisionist activists Bradley…

Croatia’s Leader Denounced as Holocaust Revisionist

In spite of strong criticism from prominent American Jewish leaders, the President of Croatia refuses to repudiate his revisionist views on the Holocaust issue. Franjo Tudjman, Croatia’s democratically elected leader, and a respected European scholar, has aroused controversy for publicly rejecting the “Six Million” story. At the invitation of the US government, Tudjman and other…

Dramatic New Videotape Presentation Takes Aim at Key Holocaust Claims

The patch-work quilt that passes for establishment Holocaust history has grown so tattered that the tailors and seamstresses responsible for its condition are finding it ever more difficult to keep it in good repair. Now, a stunning new video written, produced and narrated by a young Jewish-American Revisionist named David Cole tears yet another gaping…

Holocaust Survivor Finds “Exterminated” Brother through Appearance with Revisionists on the Montel Williams Show

For fifty years, Holocaust survivors Ernest Hollander and his brother Alex thought that their older brother, Zoltan, had been executed by the Germans in 1944. And for half a century, Zoltan thought that both his two brothers had been killed by the Germans during the war. But thanks to Ernest Hollander's appearance with Revisionists Mark…

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