Statistics + Demography

“Six million Jews died during the Holocaust.” Really? How do we know? What do the statistics tell us?

So, Who Was Right, Then?

David Irving addresses the 13th IHR Conference, May 28, 2000. A commentary by David Irving, issued in Sept. 2002, on Fritjof Meyer’s May 2002 Osteuropa article. In January 1995 the French news magazine L’Express reported that Auschwitz staff now admitted that the gas-chamber known as “Krema [Crematorium] I” (the one still shown to visitors) had…

Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive ‘Six Million’

Mark Weber is director of the Institute for Historical Review. This essay is adapted from his address at David Irving’s “Real History” conference in Cincinnati, August 31, 2001. So ingrained has the Six Million figure become in the popular consciousness that while the average American may be quite sure that six million Jews were slaughtered…

What Happened to the Jews Who Were Deported to Auschwitz But Were Not Registered There?

Jürgen Graf 1. Introduction Jürgen Graf, born in 1951, is a Swiss educator who makes his home near Basel. A researcher with an impressive command of languages, he is also the author of several books. His “Holocaust on the Test Stand” book has appeared in German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Italian, Russian and Arabic editions….

The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!

Half a century before the “Holocaust” term came into widespread use, and 15 years before the incessantly repeated “Six Million” figure of alleged wartime Jewish victims was ordained at Nuremberg, both were uncannily cited in an influential New York Jewish weekly. This was in the October 31, 1919, issue of The American Hebrew, probably the…

The Jewish Establishment under Nazi-Threat and Domination 1938-1945

The millions of Jews persecuted by Nazi Germany and to a certain extent also by the Romanian government, by Vichy France, by the Arrow Cross Corps in Hungary, etc., are generally regarded as anonymous “masses” of people, too numerous to be perceived as individuals. Admittedly, some books have been written by persons subjected to these…

Critique of John S. Conway’s Review of Walter Sanning’s “Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry” from “The International History Review,” August 1985

In the annals of anti-Revisionism, one does not often find Establishment academia types appraising Revisionist works directly. However, Dr. A.R. Butz has recently discovered just such an endeavor, involving, indeed, a book to which he wrote the preface: Walter Sanning's The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry. The deed was done by one John S. Conway,…

'The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange

Editor’s Note: Earlier this year Mr. John Bennett, head of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sent a copy of Walter N. Sanning’s 1983 book The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry to Dr. W. D. Rubinstein of the School of Social Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Professor Rubinstein has been a leading Australian critic of…

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