Carbon Monoxide

Although many methods are said to have been used by the Nazis to murder people in gas chambers, carbon monoxide (CO), produced in various ways (bottled gas, engine exhaust), is one of the most frequently mentioned for this purpose. The contributions here deal with these CO-operated homicidal gas chambers in camps such as Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibór (for the use of CO in mobile gas chambers see Gas Vans).

Poison Gas “Über Alles”

Twenty years ago I had the good fortune to spend many hours with Austin J. App who was one of the first Holocaust revisionists and an American of German descent. Almost as soon as the war had ended, he had begun to speak out and write against the anti-German atrocity claims. He admitted to me…

The Leuchter Reports

The “Holocaust” is often characterized as the greatest crime in the history of mankind. Yet for 44 years not a single forensic investigation into this alleged crime has ever been undertaken. This changed in 1988, when Fred A. Leuchter, at that time the only U.S. expert for execution technologies, was asked by German-Canadian Ernst Zündel…

Concentration Camp Majdanek

Amazingly, little scientific investigation has been directed toward the concentration camp Lublin-Majdanek in central Poland, even though orthodox Holocaust sources have claimed that between fifty thousand and over a million Jews were murdered there. Until the appearance of this present work, the only works on Majdanek available have been propaganda pieces written by historians serving…


Witnesses report that at least 600,000, if not as many as three million people primarily of Jewish faith, were murdered in the Belzec camp, located in eastern Poland, between November 1941 and December 1942. Various murder weapons are claimed to have been used: diesel gas chambers; quicklime in trains; high voltage; vacuum chambers. According to…


In May 2009, the 89-year-old John Demjanjuk was deported from the United States to Germany, where he was arrested and charged with aiding and abetting murder in at least 27,900 cases. These murders were allegedly perpetrated at the Sobibór camp in eastern Poland. According to mainstream historiography 170,000 to 250,000 Jews were exterminated here in…

Skin discoloration caused by carbon monoxide poisoning – Reality vs. Holocaust eye-witness testimony

The following text is a revised and updated version of an article originally published by the CODOH Revisionist Library website. Sensitive readers are cautioned that the article contains photographs of human corpses which may be deemed disturbing. By Thomas Kues 1. Introduction According to orthodox holocaust historiography, carbon monoxide from engine exhaust was used to…

Skin discoloration caused by carbon monoxide poisoning

1. Introduction According to orthodox Holocaust historiography, carbon monoxide from engine exhaust was used to kill approximately 2 million Jews in Poland, in Serbia and on occupied Soviet territory between 1941 and 1944. The majority of these supposed victims were allegedly killed in stationary gas chambers located in three “pure extermination camps” in the Polish…

The Diesel Gas Chambers

1. Diesel Exhaust and Zyklon B Most National Socialist homicidal gassings were supposedly committed with Diesel exhaust rather than cyanide or Zyklon B. Although this is contrary to popular perceptions about the Holocaust story, Diesel exhaust has been dominant, at least in terms of numbers of victims, in the claims of holocaust scholars since the…

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