Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism

On February 2, 2012, Tehran hosted the second "Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema" as part of the 2012 Fajr International Film Festival. President Ahmadinejad presented Robert Faurisson with an award at the conference and met with him in private.  The term Hollywoodism refers to the transformation, often mendacious, of reality by the spirit and practices…

Letter to the New York Review of Books

The New York Review of Books435 Hudson Street, Suite 300New York, NY 10014Tel 212 757-8070Fax 212 333-5374 12 December 2013 Letters to the Editor: I am writing to comment on Mark Lilla's article, Arendt & Eichmann: The New Truth, http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2013/nov/21/arendt-eichmann-new-truth/ Professor Lilla defines his approach to history at the beginning of his article: "Every advance in research that adds a…

Anne Frank and the New York Times

Edward RothsteinNew York TimesNew York Cityhttps://twitter.com/EdRothstein 07 November 2013 I am writing to comment on your article  Playing Cat and Mouse With Searing History, addressing the new Anne Frank exhibit at the Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance. http://tinyurl.com/kauo33a While Anne Frank’s story is tragic, you ignore the manner of death of the 8 people in the Annex. The official history…

Scrutinizing Gas

Something about gas is . . . creepy. Often, you can't see it. Supposedly, you can't run from it (not so, but it can be hard to tell which way to run). If it "gets" you, it doesn't leave visible marks, whether it kills you or not (again, effectively not true, but particularly on survivors,…

A Cover-up at the USHMM?

Peter BlackSenior HistorianCenter for Advanced Holocaust StudiesUnited States Holocaust Memorial MuseumE-mail: [email protected]Tel: 202.479.9728   August 23, 2013 Dear Mr. Black: On July 3, 2013 Mr. Bradley Smith wrote your office at the USHMM regarding the Rosenberg papers, asking, "Why do you not simply scan and post the documents publicly so that everyone who is interested…

Interview with Chip Smith on Revisionism

Chip Smith (right) of Nine-Banded Books My interview with Chip Smith of Nine-Banded Books continues with a discussion on historical revisionism, particularly Holocaust revisionism, and the works of three of his authors, Bradley Smith, L. A. Rollins, and Samuel Crowell. What is your take on revisionism? In an important sense, I think revisionism simply refers…

How Holocaust Revisionism Can “Cause” “Anti-Semitism”

Deborah Lipstadt and the host she leads have made it holy writ that anti-Semitism is the leading cause for “Holocaust Denial.” To people schooled in this concept, which is most of us, the idea that the process can proceed in the reverse sounds backwards. Is it possible then that the process of “Denial” (questioning?) can…


*** Andrew Adler is the Jewish owner and editor of The Atlanta Jewish Times. Early this month he published a column where he wrote that to ensure its continued existence Israel should consider assassinating Barack Obama. To murder Obama is not his first choice. His first two options for protecting the State of Israel would…

Arthur Butz and “Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity”

Smith’s Report no. 185 of October 2011 published an article by Arthur Butz entitled “Two Cutting-Edge Works of Holocaust Revisionism“ (pp. 3-7).[i] It was a review of Samuel Crowell’s recent book The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes, and Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding (Nine-Banded Books, Charleston, WV, 2011), and of my…

Elie’s Adventures in Buchenland

“How puzzling all these changes are! I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one minute to another.” Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Introduction: In Elie Wiesel’s book Night, we find the scenario and characters changing often, and in many cases, with little rhyme or reason that is apparent to the reader. One…

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