Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

New Questions Raised by Death of U.S. Museum Founder Hadassah (Bimko) Rosensaft

As fate would have it, Hadassah Rosensaft (formerly Ada Bimko), a founder of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, died in New York City on October 3, shortly before the previous issue of SR exposed her role as a postwar perjurer. The news of her death at 85, however, could hardly quiet the controversy that…

Willis Carto Loses (Again)!

Again, as repeatedly stated in previous issues of SR, we know that we should let sleeping dogs lie and not open up old wounds. If I had a chance, I wouldn't publish the following article. But we are in the business of posting the contents of all issues of Smith's Report for historical and archival…

Codoh Exposes Auschwitz Perjurer

False “eyewitness” Testimony Helped Hang Germans This month CODOH drops a bombshell. We have discovered, and now reveal, that a celebrated “survivor,- a prominent Zionist, and a major figure in the founding and leadership of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum gave false testimony immediately after World War II testimony that helped convict and hang Germans…

Elie Wiesel Focuses on Danger of Internet

In a recent interview, super-survivor, Nobel laureate and selfproclaimed human cannonball (see SR 42, “Elie Wiesel: Sometimes the Truth Is an Accident”) Wiesel unbosomed himself to The Jerusalem Post on the “deniers” (that’s us, folks). As paraphrased by the Post, Elie said this regarding the chief avenue of attack along which revisionism is storming against…

Can This Be It? A Final Solution to the Final Solution?

Last month's SR gave a brief description of Samuel Crowell’s brilliant “Technique and Operation of the German Anti-Gas Shelters in World War II: A Refutation of J.C. Pressac’s 'Criminal Traces,'” as it was newly posted to CODOH’s WWW site, CODOHWeb. Now you can read and savor this breakthrough article, in its hot-off-the-computer updated version. Yes,…

The Tinbergen Archives—a Select Catalog

Would you like to own authenticated photocopies of actual historical documents—ferreted out by revisionist researcher Cal Tinbergen from the U.S. Archives, from Israeli archives, and from other authoritative sources around the world? These are not revisionist essays or arguments. Each one is a document from an impeccable Establishment source, whether U.S. Ambassador William Bullitt on…

Smith and Smith on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

No. it's not the Three Tenors—it's the Two Smiths, Bradley and Hans (all right, Schmidt). Like Richard Widmann and Fred Toben. Hans and I toured the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum the month it opened, and afterwards I interviewed Hans on video. In exchange for your contribution I will send you this informative video discussion “in…

The Tinbergen Archives—a Select Catalog

Would you like to own authenticated photocopies of actual historical documents—ferreted out by revisionist researcher Cal Tinbergen from the U.S. Archives, from Israeli archives, and from other authoritative sources around the world—that put the lie to the official versions of the “Russian” revolution; the U.S. Army “liberation” of Dachau; the “spontaneity” of postwar German confessions;…

Of Bomb Shelters and Bombshells: Auschwitz Crematoria

One thing sure to strike new visitors to CODOHWeb—even amid the general wealth of revisionist scholarship, the materials in eight foreign languages, the news, the commentary, the updates from the free speech front—is the extent to which CODOHWeb has become a bastion of informed, sophisticated technical evaluation and analysis of the central evidence for the…

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