Holocaust + Final Solution

When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website

The End of a Myth

Despite the May 11 conviction of Revisionist activist and publisher Ernst Zündel in Toronto for “knowingly and injuriously spreading a false report,” the second trial of Ernst Zündel was a Pyrrhic victory for Holocaust Exterrninationists. As in Zündel’s 1985 trial, Revisionist scholars and researchers presented a mass of new evidence against the Holocaust legend, evidence…

The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews

1. Birth and Development of Revisionism National Socialist policy in the matter of Jewish emigration, pursued officially until the beginning of February 1942, thus posed a question that really was “throbbing,” to use again the adjective employed by Poliakov. If it was true that exterminating the Jews “conformed to the fundamental objective of National Socialism”[1];…

Interview with Michel De Böuard on the Thesis of Nantes

This interview, which originally appeared in the French newspaper, Ouest-France (August I-2, 1986) has been translated from the French journal Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaire [Review of Modern and Contemporary History], tome xxxiv, January-March 1987. The original was written by Jacques Lebailly. When a member of the [French] Institute, with a brilliant career as a…

New Documents Raise New Doubts as to Simon Wiesenthal’s War Years

The Institute for Historical Review has recently received copies of a transcript of a sworn interrogation of Simon Wiesenthal, which was conducted in 1948. The copies, certified as “true and correct,” were obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. To our knowledge this transcript has never been published or cited, in whole or in…


Shoah. Directed by Claude Lanzmann. Produced by Les Films Aleph, Historia Films with the French Ministry of Culture. Cinematographers: Dominique Chapuls, Jimmy Glasberg, William Lubehansky. Editors: Ziva Postec, Anna Ruiz. Running time: Part I, 4 hours, 33 minutes. Part II, 4 hours, 50 minutes. Shoah is a Hebrew word which means catastrophe. It has become…

The Müller Document

Dr. Faurisson wrote the first part of this article as a challenge to the Exterminationist scholars who participated in a colloquium at the Sorbonne which took place from December 11 to December 13, 1987. The colloquium had been summoned by Alain Devaquet, France's former minister of research and higher education, in an attempt to counter…

A Secret Report by Jan Karski

One of the most durable and useful “eyewitnesses” to the alleged Jewish Holocaust has been the World-War-II Polish spy and propagandist who calls himself Jan Karski. The courier for the Polish Underground, who was born Jan Kozielewski, wrote an account of his experiences in wartime Poland, Story of a Secret State, which was an American…

Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka

I have now seen the complete nine and one half hour documentary, Shoah, which purports to be “An Oral History of the Holocaust.” It was produced, directed, narrated and is now being promoted by Claude Lanzmann. From the newspapers I gather that Lanzmann is an assimilated French Jew who speaks neither Hebrew nor Yiddish. He…

Historians Wrangle over the Destruction of European Jewry

International historical conventions dealing with the question of the “destruction of the Jews during World War II” have been rare up to now, the consensus being that such events were superfluous. On that subject, historians had fundamentally adhered to what had been pronounced as “historical fact” at the various show trials held by the victorious…

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