Modern Israel, non-historical

The establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was justified as a necessary protection from another Holocaust. Thus, the creation of modern Israel on the land of another people is a direct political consequence of the Holocaust lore. Contributions in this section deal with the creation and history of the Jewish State, covering its political, societal, religious, and military trials and tribulations, as well as the relationship it has with its neighbors and its treatment of Israel's ethnically non-Jewish inhabitants.

The Holocaust as Sacred Myth and Ideology

I. The Specter A specter is haunting Western Civilization. It is the specter of Holocaust revisionism. The power elites of Europe, the United States and beyond have entered into holy alliance to exorcise this specter: Pope and US President, British and Canadian Prime Minister, French and Russian Foreign Ministers, German Chancellor and Justice Minister, international…

The Revisionist Clarion — Monthly Newsletter about Historical Revisionism and the Crisis of Imperial Powers — World Wars / Colonial Wars in the making / Future Wars

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The Holocaust, Palestine and Israel

The murderous treatment of European Jews during the Second World War has become almost legendary in its depiction as a unique and singularly important example of bigoted inhumanity, carried to barbarous extremes. No other experience from among the overwhelming number of historic cases of mass brutality has ever achieved such status in western consciousness, partly…

The Holocaust, Palestine and Israel: Revision, Denial and Myth

The murderous treatment of European Jews during the Second World War has become almost legendary in its depiction as a unique and singularly important example of bigoted inhumanity, carried to barbarous extremes. No other experience from among the overwhelming number of historic cases of mass brutality has ever achieved such status in western consciousness, partly…

Reach Out for Peace in Israel and Palestine, Part 2

We invite you to join us in the effort to reach out for peace in Israel and Palestine Two mothers who met in hospital when their children were born. They became friends. Karen Cohen32 years old, Jewishborn in Santiago, Chile. EntrepeneurLittle girl: Gal “I think that all the world's Jews should live in Israel. I'm…

Reach Out for Peace in Israel and Palestine, Part 3

We invite you to join us in the effort to reach out for peace in Israel and Palestine Photographers that became friends while shooting the same problems in Hebron Nasser Shiyouki30 years old, Palestinian “I photograph history, but what a shame and what a limitation to have to photograph only grief and the tragedies, wounded,…

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