

Other Stuff

I promoted two items in our Catalog that have not shipped. A Nation on Trial by Birn and Finkelstein, and the Wiesenthal portfolio. I have no excuse this time. I wasn’t moving. The orders were not mislaid. Just carelessness. Those of you who asked that we send you one or both of these items should…


What a marvelous series this promises to be [An Ongoing Conversation About Libertarianism and Revisionism]. Six months ago I would not have given a “Holocaust Revisionist” any credibility whatsoever. Ad homonym attacks are common because they tend to be very effective (and require little intellectual or factual ammunition), and I had bought into the often-expressed…


Marco den Ouden, president of the West Coast Libertarian Foundation in Vancouver (Canada), contacts me by email. “Brad, I understand that you are a political libertarian as am I. There are two revisionists in our group here and … one of them and myself have started discussing [revisionism] at length. We started with a short…

Other Stuff

When I badly need a telephone number to call a man in Colorado, where do I turn? The Institute for Historical Review. We have need of a ten-year-old photo of smiling Simon-Wiesenthal-Center rabbis yaking it up with Nazi “war criminal” Kurt Waldheim for a SR story. I call IHR and a few days later I…


Thanks for the continued provision of Smith’s Report and listings of available publications. This contact is especially welcome in that Internet access at my place of business is subject to censorship. Linkage to your Website (and that of IHR) is prevented by the ominous WEBTRAC CONTROL, which lists your site as one prohibited under the…

Other Stuff

Just got back from the IHR special meeting in Costa Mesa where David Irving and Costas Zaverdinos spoke. I’m on deadline for this issue of SR and can’t report on the meeting other than to say it was quite successful with upwards of 200 attendees, and that I’m glad I went. Had a chat with…


In addition to revisionist history, there is the related matter of the history of revisionism, a subject I do not think can be done at the moment. The person I thought capable of doing this right was Keith Stimely [editor of The Journal of Historical Review in the early 1980s], and I am still grieving…

The Home Front. Other Stuff

It’s been a nice month. Four storms passed through. My office is on the second floor and I can walk out on the terraza and see in three directions. To the west we are the fourth house from the end of the street. Beyond a concrete block wall are fields a quarter mile across and…


I found your Web page and was deeply moved. Do you know the story, surely apocryphal, about Mozart discovering the music of J.S. Bach? According to the story Mozart was already an established composer by the time of this discovery (which was quite possible, given Bach’s obscurity as a composer in those days), and after…

Other Stuff

When we moved from Visalia to Baja Mexico last summer, I mentioned that everyone came, Irene and me, Paloma, Grandma, the birds, our dog Katy, and Pete the cat. Several people mentioned they would like to see a photo of Pete. No one mentioned Grandma or Katy. So here’s Pete. The kid? Paloma, just before…

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