


Perseverance I am deeply impressed with the IHR website. What a quality job you've done. The breadth and scope of it is daunting. The writing at the site is of such great quality, and the credentials are formidable. I've spent many hours here, and I'll spend many more. Thank you for your efforts. To carry…

Pat Buchanan and the Struggle for Truth in History

In a new book that proves he would rather be right than President, Patrick J. Buchanan has provoked the most heated public discussion about World War II history in many years. In A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny (Regnery), the well-known journalist, commentator and presidential candidate eloquently pleads for a US foreign policy…


Gun Control in the Third Reich A group called “Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership” (JPFO) says that Third Reich Germany banned private ownership of firearms, and that American laws restricting guns are copied from Hitler's. This organization also quotes Hitler as having said: “This year will go down in history. For the first…


Keeping an Open Mind As a school teacher, it is my job to keep an open mind and know all sides of history. Thanks to your great website, I can do that. Your articles are well written and informative. It's a nice change of pace from the biased garbage we see on the mainstream news…


Dogged Determination The article on Jürgen Graf before the Swiss court [in the July-August Journal], while excellent, was also frightening and sobering. Et tu Helvetia? Yet, it is people with intelligence and dogged determination, like him and you, who usually leave their marks upon history. Equally sobering was the [Sept.-Oct.] issue on Hollywood. Good to…


Open Minded Checked out your web site. Quite thought-provoking. Will follow up on your references. Not totally sold on your views, but I am open-minded. My study of World War II dates back to when I was eight years old (I'm now 31). I am always looking for new info on all aspects of the…


The Delr Yassin Massacre In his letter in the Sept.-Oct. 1997 Journal, B.H. of Jerusalem, Israel, writes that “the Deir Yassin 'massacre' is a myth.” This is not true. Jewish-American scholar Alfred Lilienthal, the author of several important books on the Middle East, wrote in detail about this wanton and unprovoked massacre in his valuable…


Dependable For reliable information and factual accounts, I find The Journal of Historical Review most dependable. I join with other subscribers in wishing you continued success in reaching and penetrating the “public mind.” J.H.M.Dublin, Ireland Good Work Please find enclosed a bank draft for US $100. This is for my subscription, with a small donation…


The Larger Picture The recent Iraq crisis, with the Clinton administration's zealous campaign to persuade everyone of the need for military action against that Arab country, is helping many Americans better to see the larger picture. I find that people are asking questions and saying things that would have been unthinkable a few years ago….

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