

A Note From The Editor

Some readers may already know that we endeavored to get our message through to the educational institutions by mailing out sample copies of the first issue of THE JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW to the mailing list of the Organization of American Historians. We rented their list perfectly openly, and made a special promotional offer to…

German history from a new perspective

Geschichte Der Deutschen, by Prof. Hellmut Diwald. 766 pages 16½ × 24 cm with 837 illustrations (mostly in margins) and 25 maps. Copyright 1978 by Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Vienna: Propylaen Verlag. Price approximately $28. Professor Hellmut Diwald’s Geschichte der Deutschen (History of the Germans) represents a milestone in the area of…

Totalitarian Liberalism

Margaret Chase Smith became a member of the House of Representatives in 1940 when her husband Clyde died. She served four terms in the House and then was elected to the United States Senate in 1948. She is remembered for having been the first woman elected to both houses of Congress. Smith today is most…

Barriers to Historical Accuracy

Harry Elmer Barnes is a controversial figure whose memory is blurred both by his detractors and his supporters. His long and distinguished career crossing many subjects and interests is often left in the shadows of his historical revisionism. Even much of his revisionist work, which began in the years following World War One and continued…

The Challenge to Revisionism

With the launch of a new historical journal, one devoted specifically to inconvenient history, history that challenges and at times may make us uncomfortable, we must look back at that first generation of self-named revisionist historians and their intellectual victories and challenges. Although the case has been made that revisionist history is as old as…

Survivor Guilt

Survivor guilt” has come into popular usage as an irrational complex on the part of those among a very small number of people who, by sheer happenstance, have emerged alive from a disaster that took the lives of many others who seem to have deserved no less (or more) to have survived than the survivors…


The “Date modified” time stamp of the source file to this issue shows that I was last working on this issue of The Revisionist on October 18, 2005. In the early morning of the following day, my wife and I had an appointment at the Chicago office of the U.S. Immigration Services in order to…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Chicken David You people are amazing. You actually deny the Holocaust’s existence, the existence of the Death Camps, the existence of the suffering and untold agonies. To deny such truths is to deny what those people went through and to make the fight against Nazism and fascism for naught. You do a disservice…

The 2004 Cremonini-Prize

When the first Cremonini-Prize was awarded[1], I discussed with Doktorand Germar Rudolf and the Committee suitable nominees for the next Prize. Of course, Deborah Lipstadt[2] was a prime nominee, but there were others such as the Gentile Eberhard Jaeckel[3], the Jewish sect Rabbis Marvin Hier and Michael Berenbaum[4] , and the mentally ill Elie Wiesel[5]….

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