
If it weren’t for the internet, there would hardly be any revisionism today due to the ever increasing anti-revisionist censorship laws in many western countries and the steadily rising tide of social persecution of revisionists. All the more important is the struggle to keep the internet free from government censorship and corporate attempts at stifling dissent. Listed here are contributions dealing with this issue, sorted by the countries where incidents of internet censorship – or courageous opposition to censorship – have occurred.

German Censors Indict CompuServe Official

On February 26, a CompuServe official was indicted for providing access to objectionable materials on the Internet. German prosecutors indicted Felix Somm, the Managing Director of CompuServe operations in Germany and Central Europe, for allegedly distributing “illegal pornography” and “other materials.” This marks the first case in which an indictment was rendered against a service…

G7 Threat to Online Free Speech and Privacy

7 AUGUST 1996 Summary On July 30th the G7 group of nations met in Paris to discuss terrorism. Among other responses the G7 have endorsed a number of restrictions and controls on the Internet. These include the prohibition or censorship of sources that may contain “dangerous” information, restrictions on the electronic speech of unpopular political…

Computer Network Holocaust Debate Closed Down

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The latest effort by revisionists to foster open debate on the holocaust issue over a computer network “bulletin board system” (BBS) has been closed down by network censors after just three weeks. On September 9, 1992, the GE-nie computer network permitted the creation of a new…

Freedom fighters on the Internet

FIRST AMENDMENT CYBERTRIBUNE [no longer active] Charles Levendosky, editorial page editor of Casper, Wyoming's Star-Tribune and a past winner of a Playboy Foundation First Amendment Award, pays tribute to the first and best amendment. His site focuses on protecting religious liberty and free speech and includes weekly updates on the activities of the politicians,…

Clinton Signs Internet Censorship Bill

On February 8, 1996, President Clinton signed a Telecommunications bill into law with the use of an electronic pen. This bill which targets “cybersmut” is the foremost example of censorship of the Internet by a governmental body. The bill's provisions restrict “indecent” material from being presented on the Internet. Under this Orwellian piece of legislation,…

German Prosecutors Probe AOL

Feb 2, 1996 Prosecutors in Germany have notified America Online Inc. (AOL) that it may be charged with inciting racial hatred. Prosecutors have recently served similar notice to CompuServe Inc., and T-Online, a division of Deutsche Telekom. Publishing or distributing neo-Nazi literature or literature which questions any part of the orthodox Holocaust story is illegal…

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