Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

Gerhard Ittner: When Revisionists Are Called Terrorists

“The fight for freedom of speech cannot be fought within the confines of the dictatorship of today’s Germany; it has to be fought from abroad.”—Gerhard Ittner The way the courts in Germany behave with those who dare to express doubts and disagreement with the orthodox historical narrative of the Holocaust, including revisionists who do serious…

Radical Press Editor Arthur Topham Arrested in Canada

Quesnel, British Columbia, October 27 – Canadian Arthur Topham, 68, is a British Columbia (B.C.) placer miner who in his spare time operates the “Radical Press,” contrarian website. On May 16, 2012 he was on his way to work at his mining operation when he was arrested by several police officers, handcuffed and charged with…


John Bennett, founder and president of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sends CODOH a warm hello from Down Under, where he has promoted revisionist scholarship and defended revisionist rights for more than twenty years. As Arthur Butz recently noted, “[Bennett’s] annual Your Rights booklet has made it the case that Australia is the only country…


The indomitable David Irving moved forward with his libel suit against exterminationist scold-in-chief Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt, now a professor at Emory University (Atlanta), maligned Irving's standing as a historian and bashed him as an extremist and “Holocaust denier” in her book Denying the Holocaust. Irving, who unlike Lipstadt has been writing best-selling books on real…

Expert Vindication for Rudolf Auschwitz Report

Believe it or not, there's good news for revisionists out of Switzerland. On September 9 a Swiss court acquitted a Swiss revisionist of “racial discrimination” for disseminating German revisionist Germar Rudolf's forensic report detailing the absence of evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and Majdanek. Even better, the court made its ruling because an expert…


Ingrid Weckert, author of Flashpoint, a probing revisionist study of the “Kristallnacht” affair, has just been convicted in Germany. Her crime? A literary comparison of the diaries of a wartime concentration camp inmate with those of a German soldier imprisoned by the American forces at Dachau after the war. Federal German judges have decreed that…


Recent issues of Vierteljahreshefte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung (Quarterly for Free Historical Research), the Belgian-published, German-language revisionist review that shines as one of the world's best, contain various articles under CODOH bylines: Samuel Crowell, on the technique and operation of German air-raid shelters during WWII (including his devastating critique of the Majdanek door offered as the…

Internet Roundup

Since the beginning of 1997, CODOHWeb has been supporting Carlos Porter in his on going case against the German “legal” system. Way back in December of 1996, Judge Zeilinger of the Munich District Court charged Porter with being guilty of “slandering the dignity of the dead” by sending copies of his book, Not Guilty at…

Roger Garaudy Convicted of “Revisionism,” Fined $40,000

As this issue of Smith’s Report was being readied for press, we received the news from Paris that Roger Garaudy was convicted on February 27 of violating France’s law against contesting the Holocaust story. The 83-year-old Frenchman, who had to contend with legal attacks from ten different Jewish associations as well as with the state…

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