(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz – Jewish Censorship Tactics ( Video )

As a follow-up to my previous blog post, please find below the link to a new video. Produced by Vincent Reynouard, this is a Franco-British collaboration intended to further expose the Zionist lobby's aggressive hounding of its critics.  Many thanks to all for your ongoing support. Musical wishes, Alison.    

Deborah Lipstadt, Lost in the Age of Internet

Early Holocaust Revisionists: Freedman, Hoggan, Barnes, and Rassinier   The Defenders of the Holocaust Faith have been outspoken about politics recently. On 14 November Deborah Lipstadt told Politico that she was “flabbergasted” and “almost at a loss for words” because of the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump's chief advisor, given Bannon's association with…

Memorabilia: Bradley Smith Chats with Director of the USHMM

On this youtube video published on March 17,  2010 (8.14 minutes) Bradley R. Smith addresses  Sara J. Bloomfield, Director of the USHMM to discuss her published reaction to the CODOH ad that ran in the Badger Herald at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He wonders if it is understood by Director Bloomfield and others at the Museum…

Spot the Secret Nazi Code…Director Sabine Has!

Germany’s largest supermarket chain has been criticized for a Christmas television advertisement that a government official claims contains covert neo-Nazi codes. Sabine Bamberger-Stemmann, the director of Hamburg’s agency of civic education, a federal public authority that provides political education across Germany has analysed the number plates and said she is convinced the Nazi symbolism must have been deliberately placed. Here is…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Ruling Discourse on Holocaust Studies

With the renewed interest in Deborah Lipstadt due to the release of the film Denial, we have chosen to include this article by the late Bradley R. Smith. Smith comments extensively about Lipstadt’s anti-revisionist book, Denying the Holocaust and especially the vitriol that Lipstadt unleashed on him for his work to introduce college students to…

The Battle for Discussion

Deborah Lipstadt has recently become newsworthy again as a result of the release of the movie Denial that tells the tale of David Irving’s defamation lawsuit against her and Penguin books.  The movie, which flopped at the box office, purports to tell how David Irving charged Lipstadt with libel for calling him a “Holocaust denier”…

Intellectual Freedom and the Holocaust Controversy

In 1999, I partnered with Bradley Smith to launch a new revisionist journal, entitled The Revisionist. The Revisionist went through several incarnations through the years. Ultimately, it became the prototype for Inconvenient History, which was launched ten years later in 2009. This short opinion piece ran in that first issue of The Revisionist. Here, Bradley…

Alternative Information Forbidden in France

In August 2014 Professor Robert Faurisson was interviewed by Tépa (real name Patrick d'Hondt, a native of Réunion) for Meta TV, a web-site that calls itself "France's first free and independent media of alternative information." On 23 November 2016 in Paris, a criminal prosecution of Faurisson and his interviewer, because of statements made during the interview, concluded with…

Intellectual Freedom and the Holocaust Controversy

In 1999 I partnered with Bradley Smith to launch a new revisionist journal, entitled The Revisionist. The Revisionist went through several incarnations through the years. Ultimately it became the prototype for INCONVENIENT HISTORY, which was launched ten years later in 2009. This short opinion piece ran in that first issue of The Revisionist. Here Bradley…

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