(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Holocaust Revisionist Strikes Again

Bradley R Smith, the Holocaust revisionist famous for spouting his views through advertisements in college newspapers, is making waves at Hofstra University. The full-time gadfly has submitted a 24-page booklet portraying death camps as far-fetched sob stories to college newspapers across the country. While Liz Johnson, editor in chief of The Review, refused to publish…

Campus Project

U Massachusetts Molly Sherman, advertising director at the Daily Collegian at U Massachusetts (Amherst) accepted our Holocaust Studies ad. When editorial saw the text, it was decided it would be a good idea to run it past the faculty advisor. The editor rang me up and we chatted for a few minutes. He volunteered his…

The ADL’s “Big Lie” Campaign

The huge success of revisionist outreach via the Internet by CODOHWeb and other on-line revisionists has been recently acknowledged by none other than the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL). Stung by our breakthroughs, ADL has launched a new on-line smear, titled “Poisoning the Web: Hatred on Line.” This “report” on “hatred” predictably targets various…


Ernst Zündel won another, big round against his persecutors in Canada on April 14. The misnamed Canadian Human Rights Tribunal agreed to adjourn indefinitely its hearings aimed at closing down the Zündel Website in the U.S. (actually controlled and operated by Dr. Ingrid Rimland) by holding Zündel responsible for its revisionist (“and thus anti-Semitic”) content….

Freedom from Speech

YouTube interview with Greg Lukianoff by the CATO Institute about censorship on U.S. campuses. Greg LukianoffPresident and CEOFoundation for Individual Rights in Education170 S. Independence Mall W., Suite 510Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-717-FIRE (3473)Fax: 215-717-3440 Mr. Lukianoff: The essay that won first place in FIRE's 2014-2015 Academia Essay Contest was quite uplifting. You awarded it…

18 More Months for Gerhard Ittner for Doubting the Indubitable

We received the following text from Gerhard Ittner four weeks ago. It explains a little more thoroughly his legal case in Germany (on which we reported elsewhere) as well as his attitude toward his harassment by the “German” judiciary. Unfortunately, and as expected, the German judges trying his case did not heed Ittner’s appeal for freedom…

Irishman Sentenced to Five Months in Jail for Doubting the “Holocaust”

Irish Independent, October 29, 2015 Man put axe through TV in town square in 'performance art piece' to further his claims Holocaust did not take place By Gordon Deegan A judge has jailed a "Holocaust denier" for five months for using performance art in the public square in Ennis to further his claims that the…

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