(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

German Facebook Provocation on Holocaust Results in Stiff Fine

Because a man in Germany felt upset during a Facebook exchange over the denial of deliberate murder of Palestinans by Israelis, he posted a satirical comment that, “after all these lies, I slowly get to doubt the truth of the Holocaust.” “It's all fake! All propaganda! Where is the evidence! Seen that way, the Jews…

Elderly German Lady Sentenced to 10 Months in Prison for Doubting Auschwitz Extermination Claims

Hamburg District Court, Nov. 11, 2015 — 87-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has been sentenced to imprisonment in Germany for doubting that people were “exterminated” by “gassing” in the Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz. The defendant, in good spirits, reiterated her doubts in the courtroom. She arrived without a lawyer, and defended herself. Some fifty of her…

Forbidden to Laugh

You would think that a Court of "Human Rights" would defend the right of a comedian to make jokes with a biting social commentary, Right? Cartoons about Mohammed are ok, yes. Mocking Jesus Christ is humorous, of course. All France united to protest the Islamic attacks on the iconoclast magazine Charlie Hebdo. Correct? Well… think again. Europe…

Oh, Willis Carto, We Hardly Knew Ye

Mark Oppenheimer, a professor at Yale University, writes for The New York Times Magazine, The Believer, Salon, Slate, Mother Jones, The Nation, The New Republic and others, in addition to The Tablet. So we should take him seriously. In his Tablet article of 2 November, this Jewish writer notes that Willis Carto was a “plain…

Gerhard Ittner: When Revisionists Are Called Terrorists

“The fight for freedom of speech cannot be fought within the confines of the dictatorship of today’s Germany; it has to be fought from abroad.”—Gerhard Ittner The way the courts in Germany behave with those who dare to express doubts and disagreement with the orthodox historical narrative of the Holocaust, including revisionists who do serious…

Radical Press Editor Arthur Topham Arrested in Canada

Quesnel, British Columbia, October 27 – Canadian Arthur Topham, 68, is a British Columbia (B.C.) placer miner who in his spare time operates the “Radical Press,” contrarian website. On May 16, 2012 he was on his way to work at his mining operation when he was arrested by several police officers, handcuffed and charged with…


John Bennett, founder and president of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sends CODOH a warm hello from Down Under, where he has promoted revisionist scholarship and defended revisionist rights for more than twenty years. As Arthur Butz recently noted, “[Bennett’s] annual Your Rights booklet has made it the case that Australia is the only country…

ADL Crackdown on Student Editors Can’t Stop CODOH’s Campus Reward Ad

As CODOH’s $250K reward ad continues to multiply on campuses across America, the Anti-Defamation League—the ad’s chief target—has been forced to take public notice. Unable to block the ad’s placement at most colleges, ADL has marshaled its allies and surrogates in the Hillel Foundation and elsewhere to cajole or to pressure university administrators and faculty…


The indomitable David Irving moved forward with his libel suit against exterminationist scold-in-chief Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt, now a professor at Emory University (Atlanta), maligned Irving's standing as a historian and bashed him as an extremist and “Holocaust denier” in her book Denying the Holocaust. Irving, who unlike Lipstadt has been writing best-selling books on real…

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