(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

On the Latest Court Hearing of Robert Faurisson

On September 9, 2009 the Inconnue (“unknown one”), that is, the academic Maria Poumier, revealed both her identity and her unbelief regarding “the Holocaust” or “the Shoah”; she did so in an open letter to Michèle Alliot-Marie, Minister of Justice, and Frédéric Mitterrand, Minister of Culture. On December 2, 2010, during Vincent Reynouard’s imprisonment, she…

The Unamerican: Dov Hikind

A malign foreign influence is again abroad in America—one of such insidious force and menace that it calls for dusting off a hoary pejorative that has been little heard since the days of the doughty senator from Wisconsin, Joseph P. McCarthy. That label is a resoundingly descriptive one: Unamerican! It doesn’t quite mean anti-American, nor is…

Republican Party Animal

This is excerpted from a post David made on his own Blog: http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/5112 . The title of his post is: “Hollywood Gops Ankle Holocaust Jew at Boffo Samarra Fest.” I don’t have room here to post the entire text, nor to translate the title into simple English, so will go with what I have done…

Letter to the American Library Association on the 60th Anniversary of the Publication of Fahrenheit 451

By Richard A. Widmann- To Whom It May Concern, I take this moment on the anniversary of the publication of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 to make you aware of a chilling campaign to ban books and limit freedom of expression. I have learned this morning of a campaign by the World Jewish Congress (WJC) to…


(Note: this article was published on Stein’s Website RepublicanPartyAnimals.org . It’s the first time he has written about this affair. His blog posts and videos have been featured on Fox News, The Rush Limbaugh Show, O’Reilly.com, HotAir.com, The Daily Caller, The Washington Times, Breitbart.com, Human Events, Ace of Spades HQ, Gawker, The Weekly Standard, The…

The Trayvon-Zimmerman Circus: “Racists” Have Rights, Too

Originally posted at Republican Party Animals on 17 July by David Stein. I believe the message here is applicable to Holocaust Revisionists as it is to all citizens. Revisionists deserve the same civil rights and “human rights” as do all others in America, even “racists.”http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/4839 It’s fairly clear that the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman circus is…

The Last Word/s

*** A German court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg has thrown out the latest appeal by British Bishop Richard Williamson. The appeal marked the fifth round of court proceedings in this case. The 73-year-old bishop was originally convicted of incitement to hatred after telling Swedish television in a 2009 broadcast that “200,000 to 300,000…

Hikind Demands Credit Card Companies Pull Support from Hate Groups

Mark HirshbergJewish Political News and UpdatesSeptember 17, 2013http://tinyurl.com/mryxno7 Assemblyman Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is calling on the major credit card companies to withdraw their support from numerous hate groups operating in the United States and abroad. It was discovered that eight Holocaust denial organizations are currently selling racist, anti-Semitic and Holocaust Denial products (books, videos) via websites…

Swiss Court Sentences Frank Brunner to Jail for Revisionist Thought Crimes

Dear Mr. Smith: Thanks for your mail. On July 31, 2013, I was sentenced to 6 months prison with suspended sentence for 3 years. This means that during 3 years, if I do something wrong again, I’ll go to jail for those 6 months. And, according to the court, I shall not write anything about…

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