(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Inconvenient History Annuals available for purchase

By History Behind Bars- Inconvenient History is an on-line quarterly journal dedicated to the free investigation of historical matters of the 20th and 21st centuries.  Providing our journal for free to readers via the Web helps us to expose myths and falsehoods of our recent history to the greatest number of people. For those who…

Hollywood Conservative Unmasked as Notorious Holocaust Revisionist

By Rory Carroll in Los AngelesWriting for The Guardianhttp://tinyurl.com/cksga9w Friday 3 May 2013 22.15 BST To those who knew him, or thought they knew him, he was a cerebral, fun-loving gadfly who hosted boozy gatherings for Hollywood's political conservatives. David Stein brought right-wing congressmen, celebrities, writers and entertainment industry figures together for shindigs, closed to…

State Department Acknowledges Pressure on Lebanon to Cancel Revisionist Meeting

The State Department has finally acknowledged that the United States government pressured Lebanon to ban a peaceful four-day meeting that was to be held in Beirut in the spring of 2001. Gregg Sullivan, a spokesman for the Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, confirmed during telephone conversations with IHR director Mark Weber on December 10…

Open Season on Revisionists

[Dr. Faurisson wrote this article some eight months ago. While some of the legal circumstances have changed (as the preceding article makes clear), his description of the continuing persecution of revisionists in France, Switzerland, and elsewhere in Europe has lost none of its freshness, acuity, or defiance. – Editor] Robert Faurisson is Europe’s foremost Holocaust…

The Töben Affair, Seen by Voltaire

This essay is adapted from Robert Faurisson’s foreword to Fredrick Töben’s forthcoming book, When Truth is No Defence: I Want to Break Free For the historian, the sociologist, or the jurist, the case of Australian revisionist Fredrick Töben is one of the simplest and most instructive. It is also both appalling and amusing. One day,…

Between Public Relations and Self-Alienation: Arab Intellectuals and the ‘Holocaust’

Defective Strategies for Coping with External Threats: A Preview Children sometimes mimic the sounds and gestures of characters, whether fictitious or real, that they see as frightening and omnipotent, including parents, teachers, and older siblings. These become rich sources for emulation in play, alone or with other children. From the inception of consciousness, humans search…

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