(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Media Coverage of the Irving-Lipstadt Trial

Even before it began on January 11, 2000, the libel trial in London’s High Court of Justice brought by historian David Irving against Jewish activist Deborah Lipstadt and her British publisher had attracted a good bit of attention. And since then it has generated considerable media coverage and commentary, not only in Britain, but around…

Perspectives on the Past and Present

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author, and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's ([… now defunct; ed.]). “Man of the Century?” is reprinted from the January 6, 2000, issue of the traditionalist Roman Catholic weekly The Wanderer (201 Ohio St., St. Paul, MN 55107). “Persecution Update” is reprinted from the December 1995 issue…

No Punishment for Polish ‘Holocaust Denier’

A Polish court has decided not to punish a history professor for a “Holocaust denial” book that presents arguments questioning aspects of the familiar Six Million extermination story. On December 7, 1999, the regional court in Opole, in southern Poland, found that Dariusz Ratajczak supported revisionist views on the Holocaust issue in his book, Tematy…

A British Historian Defends His Livelihood and Honor

David Irving was in good form as he addressed a special IHR meeting in southern California on April 29, 1999. In addition to his scheduled lecture on “Winston Churchill and Charles de -Gaulle: The Murderous Friendship,” the British historian also spoke about the international campaign to silence him, and on preparations for his forthcoming libel…

Bishop Richard Williamson Fined for Holocaust Denial in Germany

Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson, 72, was convicted of “incitement” after an interview he gave to the Swedish television program Uppdrag granskning in 2008 was broadcast on a German TV station. Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany. Williamson was appealing an earlier conviction in 2010. At that time it was reported that prosecutors had asked for…

Stolz Speaks Truth to Power (Again)

Sylvia Stolz No sooner did Sylvia Stolz’s five-year disbarment from the legal profession expire, than she again challenged the Holocaust taboo that had already put her in jail for over three years. In Chur, Switzerland, not fifty miles from where William Tell thumbed his nose at Gessler’s hat, Stolz gave a speech before the Anti-Censorship…

CODOH’s “Revisionist” Distribution Prompts Media Furor

Bradley Smith reports on his work at the Eleventh IHR Conference. Bradley Smith is back in the news. The veteran revisionist activist has touched off a major furor that has received nationwide newspaper and television attention with the distribution at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York, of his new 28-page magazine-format publication. He arranged…

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