(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.


By the mid-1990s the term “Holocaust denier” had become part of the popular consciousness and vocabulary.  Likely catapulted into media newspeak by Deborah Lipstadt’s publication of Denying the Holocaust in 1993, the new term supplanted the earlier term “Holocaust revisionist.” While certainly the phrase of choice for those who oppose the activities of that band…

Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Foundations of Contemporary History)

Preamble Accredited chemist [Germar Rudolf…] has written me to request an expert statement regarding an anthology titled Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte: Ein Handbuch über strittige Fragen des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Ernst Gauss and published in 1994 by Grabert-Verlag in Tübingen, Germany. The foremost issue was to be the question of the work’s scientific, i.e., academic…

Caveat Emptor!

The original German edition of this handbook is illegal in the Federal Republic of Germany and police not only raided the publisher, printer, editor, distributors, wholesalers, and multi-copy-purchasers, but burned the confiscated copies of an initial run of some 17,500 and attempted to arrest the editor Ernst Gauss, i.e., Germar Rudolf: “It is ordered […]…

International Lawfare in Defense of Holocaust Orthodoxy

There is a global network of lawyers and judges coordinated from offices in Tel Aviv devoted to the advancement, in their respective countries, of the interests of the state of Israel—by the agency of their countries’ legal systems. Called the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (or IAJLJ), it reprises the much-reviled National Socialists…

The Censorship of Inconvenient History

By Richard Widmann- The team here at Inconvenient History has just learned that our Print on Demand publisher Lulu.com will no longer print or distribute our Annual editions.  The “Questionable Content Team” at Lulu has informed us that our content and in fact all revisionist writing is “illegal and anti-constitutional” in France and Germany —…

Now Available Inconvenient History Hardbound Annual Vol. II

By History Behind Bars- The hardbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume 2 is finally available. This beautiful hardbound book contains 598 pages of hard-hitting revisionist scholarship revealing the truth on several inconvenient moments in our recent history. Inconvenient History Volume 2 contains all the content from our 4 issues from 2010. You will receive a…

Inconvenient History 2009 Hardbound Annual now available!

By History Behind Bars- The hardbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume 1 is finally available. This beautiful hardbound book is 296 pages of hard-hitting revisionist scholarship revealing the truth on several inconvenient moments in our recent history. Inconvenient History Volume 1, contains all the content from our 3 issues from 2009. You will receive a…

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