

Leading Revisionist Historians and Activists to Meet in Southern California

From around the United States and across the seas, scholars, activists and friends of the Institute for Historical Review will meet in Orange County, California, over Memorial Day weekend – Saturday afternoon, May 27, through Monday afternoon, May 29, 2000 – for the IHR's 13th Revisionist Conference. A lot has happened since the last full-scale…

The Hoax Ends the Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is the author of numerous technical papers….

The Adelaide Institute Conference

For some time now, Australia has been one of the most dynamic battlefields in the worldwide struggle against the historical blackout. And at the forefront of the battle there is the Adelaide Institute, which publishes an important revisionist newsletter and maintains an information-packed Internet web site. Centered in South Australia’s largest city, and funded by…

Zaverdinos, Platonov and Graf Join “Journal” Editorial Advisory Committee

We are pleased to welcome three scholars to this Journal's Editorial Advisory Committee. From South Africa, Russia and Switzerland, their membership reflects the international scope and impact of the Institute for Historical Review and its Journal. Zaverdinos Born in Johannesburg in 1938, Costas Zaverdinos currently teaches at the University of Natal in South Africa. He…

Argentina Revisionist Magazine Part of Worldwide Network

Since 1992 a group of revisionists in Argentina has been publishing an attractive, illustrated revisionist magazine that proclaims its purpose on the front cover of each issue: “Revising history to reestablish the truth.” Capably edited by Andres Seljan, Revisión is published irregularly by the “Paul Rassinier Studies Center” of Buenos Aires, named for the courageous…

The Weber-Shermer Debate: A Step Forward

When I first learned of the debate between IHR Director Mark Weber and Skeptic magazine editor-publisher Dr. Michael Shermer, I was delighted that a member of the “accepted media” had finally agreed publicly to confront Holocaust revisionist arguments. Viewing the event on videotape, I was even more pleased at the cordial and scholarly atmosphere that…

A Belgian Foundation Battles for Free Speech

For some years now, one of Europe's most important revisionist publishing centers has been the Foundation for Free Historical Research, or Vrij Historish Onderzoek (VHO). From the Flemish region of Belgium, the VHO publishes and distributes a range of revisionist materials in Dutch, French, German and English. Through the efforts above all of Siegfried Verbeke,…

Record and Mission of the Institute for Historical Review

Founded in 1978, the Institute for Historical Review (publisher of this Journal) is a not-for-profit research, educational and publishing center devoted to truth and accuracy in history. The IHR continues the tradition of historical revisionism pioneered by distinguished historians such as Harry Elmer Barnes, A. J. P. Taylor, Charles Tansill, Paul Rassinier and William H….

In Germany: Revisionist Center Offers “Truthful History'

An important German publishing center dedicated to the “truthful treatment of German and European history in this century” has been turning out an impressive series of books and booklets. In cooperation with noted German historians and publicists, the “Contemporary History Archives/ Cultural and Contemporary History” center (“Archiv der Zeit / Kultur- und Zeitgeschichte“) has set…

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