

Encountering the Revisionists

“Nazism is dead and gone, together with its Führer. There remains today the truth. Let us dare to tell it publicly. The non-existence of the ‘gas chambers’ is good news for humanity. Good news that it would be wrong to keep hidden any longer”—Robert Faurisson John Sack, “Inside the Bunker”, Esquire, February 2001, p. 98….

Declaration of Mark Edward Weber

Introduction On October 9, 1981, California Superior Court Judge Thomas. T. Johnson, took “judicial notice” of the fact that “Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944.” Johnson’s ruling was made in response to a Motion for “Judicial Notice” that had been made by plaintiff Mel Mermelstein…

Facts, Allegations, and Judicial Notice

censorship/USA, organizations/rev, H/witnes/vitcimThe Journal of Historical Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (spring 1982), pp. 47-51Facts, Allegations, and Judicial NoticeSubmitted to the California Superior Court in the Case, Mermelstein vs. IHR et al., by Counsel for DefendantsRichard Fusilier Introduction The defendants in the above-entitled cause respectfully submit the following Points and Authorities, and the appended Declaration…

The Mermelstein Lie

One of the most active German opponents of revisionism, Jürgen Langowski, has a website named “Holocaust Reference. Arguments against Auschwitz Deniers” ( It is cooperating closely with another German website called “Information Service against Right-Wing Extremism” (, mastered by Margret Chatwin, a page dedicated to slander anyone deemed to be a right-winger by the left-wing…

Pyrrhic Victory over Revisionism

In April 2004 the European-American Culture Council (EACC) had planned to hold a conference in Sacramento, the capital of California. It was going to be the most impressive conference of recent years. The gathering was sponsored by the Australian Adelaide Institute, conducted by Dr. Fredrick Toben. Aside from some well-known historians, all of whom were…

A Footnote of Irony

A few weeks ago I met Dietmar Munier in Chicago, owner of the medium-sized publishing company Arndt in Kiel, northern Germany. He was hunting original color photographs of the Third Reich era for his many upcoming book projects, and while visiting archives in the United States, he decided to stop by and meet me so…

Revisionism in Russia

Russians Research into the ‘Holocaust’ Matter A German order to destroy Novgorod did not exist. The population suffered under Soviet bombings. Novgorod’s church treasures were robbed by the retreating Soviet troops, and its artifacts were sunk on a ship in the Wolchow River. The world famous Novgorod monument “Thousand Year Russia” was saved by the…

The Holocaust as Sacred Myth and Ideology

I. The Specter A specter is haunting Western Civilization. It is the specter of Holocaust revisionism. The power elites of Europe, the United States and beyond have entered into holy alliance to exorcise this specter: Pope and US President, British and Canadian Prime Minister, French and Russian Foreign Ministers, German Chancellor and Justice Minister, international…

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