
On organizations dealing with the Holocaust; their history, mission, activities, and events, both revisionist and exterminationist.

Roy Bullock: ADL Informant

Veteran subscribers with extraordinary memories may recognize the name of Roy Bullock from a brief item about him in the January 1987 issue of IHR Newsletter. It told readers that Bullock was a paid agent of the Zionist Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Bullock, the item went on, is paid to gather information for the…

Final Victory in the Mermelstein Case

Nunc est bidendum… At long last, the costly and potentially devastating eleven-year effort by Holocaust personality Mel Mermelstein to destroy the Institute for Historical Review has ended in complete, definitive victory for the IHR and its co-defendants. Plaintiff Mermelstein let elapse the 30-day deadline for acting on the decisive rejection of his appeal on October…

California Court Rejects Mermelstein’s Appeal

In the latest round in the long-standing effort by Holocaust personality Mel Mermelstein to shut down the Institute for Historical Review, the California Court of Appeal (Second Appellate District, Division Two) ruled on October 28, 1992, decisively in favor of the IHR and co-defendants. The three judges – Nott, Gates and Fukuto – unanimously rejected…

Reviewing a Year of Progress

Since our last conference in February 1989, the entire world has been joyful witness to dramatic and almost unbelievable historical events in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Above all, we have seen the breakdown of Soviet Communism, and with it, the end of Soviet domination of eastern Europe. These world-historical events, which were all…

Historians Wrangle over the Destruction of European Jewry

International historical conventions dealing with the question of the “destruction of the Jews during World War II” have been rare up to now, the consensus being that such events were superfluous. On that subject, historians had fundamentally adhered to what had been pronounced as “historical fact” at the various show trials held by the victorious…

Encountering the Revisionists

“Nazism is dead and gone, together with its Führer. There remains today the truth. Let us dare to tell it publicly. The non-existence of the ‘gas chambers’ is good news for humanity. Good news that it would be wrong to keep hidden any longer”—Robert Faurisson John Sack, “Inside the Bunker”, Esquire, February 2001, p. 98….

Declaration of Mark Edward Weber

Introduction On October 9, 1981, California Superior Court Judge Thomas. T. Johnson, took “judicial notice” of the fact that “Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944.” Johnson’s ruling was made in response to a Motion for “Judicial Notice” that had been made by plaintiff Mel Mermelstein…

Facts, Allegations, and Judicial Notice

censorship/USA, organizations/rev, H/witnes/vitcimThe Journal of Historical Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (spring 1982), pp. 47-51Facts, Allegations, and Judicial NoticeSubmitted to the California Superior Court in the Case, Mermelstein vs. IHR et al., by Counsel for DefendantsRichard Fusilier Introduction The defendants in the above-entitled cause respectfully submit the following Points and Authorities, and the appended Declaration…

The Mermelstein Lie

One of the most active German opponents of revisionism, Jürgen Langowski, has a website named “Holocaust Reference. Arguments against Auschwitz Deniers” ( It is cooperating closely with another German website called “Information Service against Right-Wing Extremism” (, mastered by Margret Chatwin, a page dedicated to slander anyone deemed to be a right-winger by the left-wing…

Pyrrhic Victory over Revisionism

In April 2004 the European-American Culture Council (EACC) had planned to hold a conference in Sacramento, the capital of California. It was going to be the most impressive conference of recent years. The gathering was sponsored by the Australian Adelaide Institute, conducted by Dr. Fredrick Toben. Aside from some well-known historians, all of whom were…

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